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A trig problem 2007-09-16
Tracy pose la question :
I have a scalene triangle ABC, angle C is 20 degrees, side AC is 8cm and side AB is 3 cm. Line CB is extended to point D which is perpendicular to point A, triangle ABD is a right-angled triangle. How do I calculate length of line AD
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
An equation with fractions 2007-09-16
Stuart pose la question :
Victoria West lui répond.
Finding the center of a circle that goes through three given points 2007-09-16
Gary pose la question :
I am given three points represented by their Latitude and Longitude. How do I determine the Latitude and Longitude of the center of a circle through the three given points? The lat/lon of the three points are: A. N 43 degrees 30.251 min. W 96 degrees 45.695 min. B. N 43 degrees 30.006 min. W 96 degrees 45.082 min. C. N 43 degrees 30.719 min. W 96 degrees 45.410 min. Thanks.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
How far from n do you need to go to have found at least one prime? 2007-09-16
Mike pose la question :
Hi, I was wondering if there was some kind of guaranteed interval that ensures that if you start at some number n, you will always have passed a prime number p. I remember having once read something that there is always at least one prime between n and 2n, but I cannot for the life of me remember where I read that, or what that kind of rule would be called so I can look it up online... thank you for your help, Mike
Penny Nom and Victoria West lui répond.
how do you simplify 3a + 13b = 37 2007-09-16
brandon pose la question :
how do you simplify 3a + 13b = 37
Penny Nom lui répond.
Tens and ones 2007-09-16
julia pose la question :
My son has come home with a math question "what i know about 10s and 1s" we're totally stumped any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated
Harley Weston lui répond.
Volume of a cylinder 2007-09-15
mike pose la question :
I need to know the formula to measure conceret celinders
Penny Nom lui répond.
Number sentences 2007-09-15
jen pose la question :
list the addition number sentences that can be written using two sets of cards with the numbers 5 6 and 7. which number sentences have the same addends but show a different order?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ithis is for my son in 3rd grade and for the life of us we can't figure it out,,thanks for this elementary help
Harley Weston lui répond.
Intercepts 2007-09-15
Bruce pose la question :
The equation is x^2-12.

I need to find the x-y intercepts and horizontal intervals (increasing & decreasing)

I would have thought the y intercept would be (0,-12) however the book came up with something different.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Volume, mass and density 2007-09-14
Nathan pose la question :
I have a sample of material that is 10cmx10cmx5cm and has a mass of 29 grams. How many grams would a sample of the same material that was 96cmx188cmx5cm be?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How much stone will be needed to fill the trench? 2007-09-14
Debbie pose la question :
A trench 100metres long 1ft wide*18inches deep with a 4inch pipe laid. How much stone will be needed to fill the trench.
How much weight in stone would I need to fill it?

Penny Nom and Victoria West lui répond.
Differentiate x^(1/3) using first principles 2007-09-14
Sheila pose la question :
our teacher gave us this question as a challenge and even he couldnt figure it out: Differentiate x^(1/3) [aka the cube root of x] using first principles. i know the answer is 1/(3.x^2/3), but how is it possible using first principles?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Three digit numbers where all digits are even 2007-09-14
Cielo pose la question :
Hannah made a list of all of the three digit whole numbers where all three digit were even. How many three digit whole numbers were on Hannah's list?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Is it platinum or silver? 2007-09-14
Jordan pose la question :
In Chemistry we are doing a lot of problems that are much more math related than anything. One of my questions reads: A certain medallion has a mass of 55.64 g. When placed in 75.2 mL of water in a graduated cylinder, the water level rises and then reads 77.8 mL. Is the medallion made of platinum (D=21.4 g/mL) or silver (D= 10.5 g/mL)?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two equations in two unknowns 2007-09-14
CAMEILA pose la question :

Y = -2X + 6
Y + 6 = 2x

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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