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The largest 4-digit odd number 2007-09-21
Courtney pose la question :
what is the largest 4-digit odd number you can make with 1 - 9. You can not repeat digits within a number
Harley Weston lui répond.
A fraction sequence 2007-09-21
marissa pose la question :
i have read the examples you have on fraction sequences, but i am still having a hard time understanding how to figure this out. for example:

__ 1 2/5 __ 3 __ __ __ __7

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Letter number sequence 2007-09-21
Hope pose la question :
The challenge problem of the week in 6th grade math is a letter number sequence. J 1 F 8 M 1 A 0 M 1 J 0 J 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ They are to find the next 10 letters and numbers in the line. They were given a hint : look at the letter sequence by themselves and you should recognize it. Does it just repeat starting with the F 8 M 1 etc.? Thank you for your help.
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Algebraic fractions 2007-09-21
Yvonne pose la question :
Would you please help me on the following 2 questions?

1. Given that 3x-5y / 2x-y = 2/3, find the value of 2x/5y.

2. If 3x-5y / 7x-4y = 3/4, find the value of x/y.

Penny Nom lui répond.
32 cis30degrees / 4 cis150degrees 2007-09-21
Michael pose la question :
Could you please help with this one. 32 cis30degrees / 4 cis150degrees
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Choosing 3 numbers from 36 2007-09-21
Jon pose la question :
How many distinct combinations can be made when choosing 3 numbers from 36? IE you can only choose each number once
Victoria West lui répond.
Metres per minute to miles per hour 2007-09-20
Angela pose la question :
If a person is traveling 150 meters per minute, what is their speed in miles per hour?
Stephen La Rocque and Harley Weston lui répond.
How students learn math in other countries 2007-09-20
Patricia pose la question :
I'm desperately searching the web for information on how students learn math in other countries. Years ago I had some worksheets that explained the addition algorithm as it was taught in other countries. That is the sort of thing I need. I teach 6th grade math in an urban school and have many students from other countries (Mongolia, Somalia, Ivory Coast, Honduras, Serbia) I want to celebrate their heritage while helping them learn the basics of 6th grade math.
Diane Hanson lui répond.
Points that are 15 units from the origin 2007-09-20
Paula pose la question :
Find the coordinates of any point(s) 15 units away from the origin with an x-coordinate of 9.

I was given the answer: (9,12) and (9,-12), but I do not understand how these numbers were calculated. Thank you for your help!

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
(5C squared + 14C + 11) divided by (5C + 4) 2007-09-20
John pose la question :
(5C squared + 14C + 11) divided by (5C + 4)
Harley Weston lui répond.
Area of an irregular lot 2007-09-20
Joanne pose la question :
I found your web site through ask.com & it's great. Really hoping you can help me. We are looking at purchasing an existing home with a lot size that is advertised at 2.04 acres, however, even with my limited math skills I know this is not correct.

Their calculation takes the deepest part of the lost (179 feet) multiplied by the widest part of the lost (497.26 feet) as if it was a perfect rectangle. As you can see from the faxed diagram it is far from rectangular in shape.

Can you advise as to the true lot size? As I mentioned we are looking at this property as a purchase so time is of the essence. I have also faxed this information (with the diagram) to the number listed on your web site. Thank you so much for your help.

Harley Weston lui répond.
Solving an equation with fractions 2007-09-20
Len pose la question :
I am having a brain cramp or maybe I just forgot some basic math, but I am having trouble solving for "r" in your truncated cone example where r/(r+w)=r/R or r/(r+282)=911/1728. Could you refresh my memory by showing the steps to solve for "r"?
Harley Weston lui répond.
The hypotenuse 2007-09-20
Kasey pose la question :
What is the hypotenuse of 96 squared and 108 squared?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Least Common Multiples 2007-09-20
Aiyanna pose la question :
What is The Lcm Of 3,7,and 8 Because my Teacher gave me That and he didnt even know the answer.... I Worked and worked but I Couldnt Find It.....
Penny Nom and Victoria West lui répond.
What is the inverse function of y=x^3 +x? 2007-09-19
saman pose la question :
what is the inverse function of y=x^3 +x
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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