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3rd Grade math problem 2017-05-30
Angela pose la question :
Following is a problem from my 3rd grader's homework assignment:
Solve. Draw a diagram to represent the situation.
Rachel has 20 one-inch beads. She wants to use all of them to make a square picture frame. What will be the length of each side?
Find Perimeter, Area, and Side Length

Penny Nom lui répond.
A square peg in a round hole 2017-05-29
bill pose la question :
bill wants to put a 2 foot square peg into a round hole What must be the circumference of the hole?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A 25 acre strip 2017-05-29
Va pose la question :
hello, can you pls help me....i have a property which has 300 ft width road frontage and my lot is 4700 ft deep to the back line of my property which i am told 27 acres. I want to only sell 25 acres...and go to the rear line with 4700 feet, but decrease the front width using the 300 ft measurement. how do i decrease the 300 ft width measurement by 2 acres? i am confused what the measurement would be..thank you....so to sum it i want to make 25 acres out of a measurement of 300 x 4700 ft long reducing the front measurement..thank you so much.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Algebra 2017-05-28
Kerim pose la question :
I need to solve this equation.
y=at^2 - 2at
x =2a√t

Express y in terms of x and a

Give in the form y=(x^p/ma^3) - (x^q/na) where p,q,m and n are integers

Penny Nom lui répond.
A polygon inscribed in a circle 2017-05-27
Levan pose la question :
This was the closest to what I am trying to solve. http://mathcentral.uregina.ca/QQ/database/QQ.09.06/s/dj1.html

So in the answer linked, we figure out what is "c".

But what if we know "c" and want to find out "n" based on specific "r=1".

It might be simple math, but I have not had any relationship with math for 20 years now but this question puzzles me for a reason.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Ordering fractions 2017-05-25
Esmeralda pose la question :
How May i order this 30%,3/100,7/20 and 0.33 from least to greatest
Penny Nom lui répond.
Initial velocity 2017-05-23
Annelle pose la question :
a body is thrown vertically downward from a height above the ground. determine the initial velocity and the height of the starting point if after 4 secs it reaches the ground with velocity of 68 m/s.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A trapezoid inscribed in a circle 2017-05-17
Kameron pose la question :
I have been given a challenge problem that states that Diameter AB is drawn in a circle if 10 inch. Chords AC and BD are drawn so that each is of length 12inch and ACDB is a trapezoid. Find the height, in inches, of the trapezoid
Penny Nom lui répond.
A 40 acre square 2017-05-14
Richard pose la question :
How many feet on each side of 40 acre square ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A limit 2017-05-14
Soham pose la question :
Find out the value of the following:
lim (x+x^2 +x^3 +.........x^n–n)/(x–1)

Penny Nom lui répond.
Two wires between two buildings 2017-05-11
Bill pose la question :
I need to find the height of the intersection point of two building wires< br /> Building A is 860 feet high and building B is 480 feet high. The wires existent from the top of one building to The bottom of the other < br /> The distance between is 32 feet
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the regular price? 2017-05-11
Saira pose la question :
If the sale price is 55.50$ and the discount is 12% what is the regular price
Penny Nom lui répond.
Canada's population as a percentage 2017-05-11
bethmarie pose la question :
What percentage of the world population (7.5 billion) is Canada's population (36 million). Thank you very much!
Penny Nom lui répond.
Yards per second to miles per hour 2017-05-11
Scott pose la question :
If a soccer ball travels 30 yards or roughly .017 miles in 2 seconds how fast was the ball going in mph?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Slicing an inverted bowl at various heights 2017-04-30
Joel pose la question :
Find a formula to calculate the circumferences of an inverted bowl at various heights.

E.g. Take an inverted bowl with a diameter of "x" cm and a depth / height of "y" cm.

How can I calculate the circumferences at distances of various heights above the base?

Alternately, what would be the formula to calculate the distance of the line segment resulting from a line which intersects both sides of a parabola in which that line is drawn parallel to the tangent of the vertex of the parabola at any given distance from the vertex?

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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