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Jamie has twice as many video games as Mel. 2017-04-27
John pose la question :
Jamie has twice as many video games as Mel. Together, the boys have 24 games. how many games do each boy have
Penny Nom lui répond.
1 acre as a 2 foot wide strip of land 2017-04-25
alan pose la question :
How can one convert 2 acres (a square - area) of land into a strip of land that is 2 feet wide and (?) feet long?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Filling cinder blocks with concrete 2017-04-24
Katherine pose la question :
I am looking to construct a 10 X 10 dance floor using 8 x 16 cinder blocks.

I have figured that I will need about 120 blocks, however I am not sure how much concrete I will need to fill the total empty space.

Thank you

Penny Nom lui répond.
Selling price and markup 2017-04-24
Julie pose la question :
What would the cost of an item be, if the sell price was $50 and the markup 48%
Penny Nom lui répond.
The length of a train 2017-04-24
Stefano pose la question :
If a freight train is coming towards you and you were traveling at 85 miles an hour and it takes 35 seconds for the train to pass you how long is the train

Figure 50mph for train

Penny Nom lui répond.
Baseball Cards 2017-04-20
Raquel pose la question :
A minor league baseball team gave away baseball cards to each person entering the stadium. One group receives 28 baseball cards. A second group received 68 baseball card. If each person entering the stadium receive the same number of cards, what was the greatest possible number of baseball cards that each person could have received?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A lost iPhone pass code 2017-04-17
Sam pose la question :
I have a locked iPhone and it has all my of my holiday photos on it. I changed the password and then I think I did a incorrect number pattern but anyway I know it ends with 99 and the first 4 digits are 235 and 6 could you please send all of the combinations for this password (without the 99) Thx and plz get back ASAP I need it for school
Penny Nom lui répond.
sin x/ 1+cos x = 1-cos x/ sin x 2017-04-16
duiren pose la question :
sin x/ 1+cos x = 1-cos x/ sin x
Penny Nom lui répond.
A function which is onto but not one-to-one 2017-04-16
Avinash pose la question :
Define a function f(x):N-->N which is onto but not one-one.Where N is set of natural numbers.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A word problem about the dimensions of a lot 2017-04-16
Charlotte pose la question :
If a house is 66x78 ft, how many feet out from the house around would be an acre to not include the house
Penny Nom lui répond.
Forming a cone from a circle 2017-04-15
Tasha pose la question :
A sector of a circle subtends an angle of 216 degrees at the centre, If this sector is used to form a cone of vertical height ,8cm, calculate the base radius of the cone
Penny Nom lui répond.
Express x/a -2a/x =-1 in terms of a. 2017-04-14
tony pose la question :
express x/a -2a/x =-1 in terms of a.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The cost of a piece of sheet metal 2017-04-14
Mohammed pose la question :
I bought a 2 mm sheet plate of 1.2m × 2.4m in fijian $95. I used 1.95m × 0.4m from that sheet plate. What will be my total cost for the sheet plate I used. It was a mild steel plate.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Why does 10x10x10 give 1,000.0000000000001? 2017-04-12
Randolph pose la question :
Hi, On your calculator I found that a box 10 by 10 by 10 inches has a volume of 1,000.0000000000001 cubic inches. Can you explain the numeral 1 thirteen places past the decimal? Thanks, Randy
Penny Nom lui répond.
Acres and perimeter 2017-04-12
Peggy pose la question :
How many acres in 2700' circumference or perimeter
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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