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y = g(x + 1) 2017-06-27
Shamsudiin pose la question :
HI there i am currently doing a level maths AS

I don't understand how to graph this Question y=g(x+1) i really need help please please respond to this problem

Penny Nom lui répond.
How fast am I travelling? 2017-06-24
corey pose la question :
if i travel 2 miles in 10 seconds, how fast am i travelling please
Penny Nom lui répond.
The number of truckloads to fill a hole 2017-06-18
Jennifer pose la question :
How many full size truck bed pickup loads do in need to get to fill a hole that is 18' x 30' that is 4" deep?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Long division with decimals 2017-06-16
Kenneth pose la question :

Why is it recommended to move the decimal from a divisor when dividing so that the divisor is a whole number? I know how to divide by moving the decimal from the divisor, but I cannot explain the reason.

I thank you for your reply.

Penny Nom lui répond.
The surface area of a hexagonal pyramid 2017-06-16
Emilie pose la question :
Hello, I need help with this question:

A pyramid has a regular hexagonal base with side lengths of 4 and a slant height of 6. Find the total area of the pyramid.

Thank you in advance if you can help me...

Penny Nom lui répond.
What percentage did I take? 2017-06-14
david pose la question :
you have $5.85 I took $1.06 from you,what percentage did I take? and the formula to solve it. Thank you
Penny Nom lui répond.
The smallest and largest 4 digit integers 2017-06-13
Avneetpal pose la question :
Difference of the smallest and biggest 4-digit number
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three consecutive natural numbers 2017-06-11
Anita pose la question :
Three consecutive natural numbers are such that the square of the middle number exceeds the difference of the square of the other two by 60. Find the numbers.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Solve the equation completely cos 2x = 1 2017-06-08
Lava pose la question :
Solve the equation completely cos 2x = 1
Penny Nom lui répond.
A man drives 48km in 45 minutes 2017-06-03
Jamal pose la question :
A man drives from Ibadan to Oyo a distance of 48km in 45 minutes. If he drives at 72km/h where the surface is good and 48km/h where the surface is bad. Find the number of kilometers of good surfaces
Penny Nom lui répond.
Simultaneous equations with fractions 2017-06-02
Jamal pose la question :
1/x + 1/y =5 and 1/y - 1/x =-1
Penny Nom lui répond.
The maximum area of a rectangle with a given perimeter 2017-06-02
Bob pose la question :
How would I go about finding the maximum area of a rectangle given its perimeter (20m, for example)?
Penny Nom lui répond.
4 digit codes with repeating digits 2017-06-01
Morgan pose la question :
what are all possible 4 digit code repeating numbers? cuz i know that you have one website on it but, it doesn't repeat 2 numbers in a code.
Harley lui répond.
A cylindrical water tank with a leak 2017-06-01
Alexander pose la question :
if a cylindrical water tank has diameter of 90cm and leak starts at the bottom 10 litres in an hour. how long will it take for the level to fall by 20cm
Penny Nom lui répond.
Five rational numbers between -2 and -1 2017-05-31
Prince pose la question :
Five rational numbers between -2 and -1
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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