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Volume in cubic feet 2007-12-20
kim pose la question :
if i have the inches and need to convert them to cubic feet, how do i do that? i thought it was height X width X length.
Penny Nom lui répond.
F( x - 2) = (x + 3)/ (x - 4) 2007-12-20
Sean pose la question :
If F( x - 2) = (x + 3)/ (x - 4) , then F(5) = 10/3

How do you solve this problem and what section of calculus can I learn the technique to solve this type of problem?

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Find the lengths, and explain in a 'let statement' 2007-12-20
Cordilla pose la question :
the length of the sides of a triangle are 3 consecutive whole numbers. The perimeter of the triangle is 102 meters. Find the lengths, and explain in a' let statement'.
Stephen La Rocque and Harley Weston lui répond.
Smallest cone containing a 4cm radius inscribed sphere 2007-12-19
Eva pose la question :
A sphere with a radius of 4cm is inscribed into a cone. Find the minimum volume of the cone.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Simplifying square roots 2007-12-19
Ciara pose la question :
How would you calculate 2 to the square root of 8 plus 4 to the square root of 2 minus 5 to the square root of 2?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Percentage change 2007-12-19
Aaron pose la question :
I understand how figure percent of change and I can figure it on a calculator but if I have to do it without I'm not sure how to divide when the original amount is larger than the amount of change. For example, the decreased amount is 5.00 on 29.99, what would the percent be. Like I said I can do it on a calculator but need to know how to figure it without one.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Partitioning a clock face 2007-12-19
Kim pose la question :
Using a clock with a regular circular faced dial, draw two straight lines such that the sum of the numbers in each of the three areas is equal.
The team at Math Central lui répond.
Linearize a graph 2007-12-19
Justene pose la question :
My daughter has a physics lab where she must linearize a graph of acc vs. mass. I have no idea how to help her.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Which expression gives the greatest value? 2007-12-18
Jordan pose la question :
'Look at these expressions'

n-2, 2n, n(squared), n over 2, and 2 over n (sorry I can't type the expressions out)

A) Which expression gives the greatest value when n is between 1 and 2?
B) Which expression gives the greatest value when n is between 0 and 1?
c) Which expression gives the greatest value when n is negative?

As you can see, this IS ONE question split in to three parts lol!

Can you tell me how I go about tackling this question? I lost marks on the test because of not understanding the question.

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Circumcentre of a triangle 2007-12-18
Kathryn pose la question :
Find the coordinates of the circumcentre of the triangle whose vertices are: (5, -3), (3, -1), (-1, 5)
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Profit percentage (markup and margin) 2007-12-18
Laura pose la question :
If my husband says he sold $11,000 worth of tools and made $1400 on the deal, what is the percent of profit?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
For how many positive integers n is n^2 + 96 is a perfect square? 2007-12-18
Rajesh pose la question :
For how many positive integers n is n^2 + 96 is a perfect square ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three workers working together 2007-12-18
Rajesh pose la question :
Worker A can do a piece of work in 15 days, worker B in 12 days, and worker C in 10 days. Worker A works 2 days, worker B 3 days, and worker C 3 days. In what time can worker A and worker B finish the job by working together?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What size room would I need for 220 cubic feet? 2007-12-18
Andy pose la question :
What size room would I need for 220 cubic feet? What is the calculation I would use to find the answer to this problem?
Penny Nom lui répond.
800 poules pondent 800 oeufs en 8 jours 2007-12-17
LINDA pose la question :
Claude Tardif lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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