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The standard normal distribution 2007-12-29
GEORGE pose la question :
Statistics texts state that in a normal distribution, 1 standard deviation covers 68%, 2SD 95% 3SD 99.7%. However, on looking at the tables for normal curve areas, the percentage for a z value of 1 is 84.13. 68 % of values are covered at a z value of 0.47. The discrepancies exist even for other values but are smaller. So why is the rule of thumb so different from the Table for Normal Curve areas?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Combinations of 1, 2, 3 2007-12-29
gary pose la question :
I can only write the numbers 1, 2, 3, in six different combinations. Are there any more possibilities
Penny Nom lui répond.
How would one find the radius? 2007-12-29
Ned pose la question :
Given an arc with length of 192 inches (don't know chord length), and arc height of 6 inches, how would one find the radius?
Stephen La Rocque and Harley Weston lui répond.
The centroid of a polygon 2007-12-29
David pose la question :
I am playing around with an idea. I've read previous answers to questions (using surveyor calculation methods) related to finding the area of an irregular shape parcel of land (or irregular polygon). Is there a formula or method for calculating the centroid (mid-point) for this type of polygon. I've seen plenty of methods for calculating the mid-point for a triangle or regular shape poloygon but few for an irregular shape polygon such as a parcel of land. Thanks...
Harley Weston lui répond.
Sally, Charlie and Snoopy in a race 2007-12-29
Marie pose la question :
Sally and Charlie are having a race. Charlie gets a 900 foot lead and runs 8 inches per second. Sally begins at the starting line and runs at a rate of 5 ft per second. Charlie's dog is also in the race. Snoopy starts 1100 feet ahead of Sally and runs toward the starting line at a rate of 1 foot per second.

When will Charlie and Snoopy past each other and how far will they be from the starting line?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Calculate the two possible lengths of the third side. 2007-12-28
Lisa pose la question :
An isosceles triangle has an area of 25.6 sq cm. The two equal sides are 8.4 cm long. Calculate the two possible lengths of the third side.
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many complete revolutions does each wheel make? 2007-12-28
varoon pose la question :
The wheels of a car are of diameter 80cm each. How many complete revolutions does each wheel make in 10 minutes when the car is travelling at a speed of 66kms per hour?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Differentiate 2007-12-28
taiwo pose la question :
i am finding it difficult to use first principle to differentiate this question: y=xcos2x. can u help me.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Finding the equation of a line from its graph 2007-12-25
ken pose la question :
I have a graph and it is asking me to find the slope of each line, and then write its equation. the graph show a negative slope. Would appreciate the answer if you could show me how to do this question.
Kind regards: Ken

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The case of the forgotten umbrella 2007-12-25
rougi pose la question :
a lecturer goes to a bar because it looks like raning.he takes an umbrella with him. on the way to bar he forgets the umbrella in the bus with probability 0,1,in the bar with probability 0.3 and on his way home in the taxi with probability 0,6
a)what is probability that he forgets the umbrella on his tripe?
b)when he gets home he realizes that he has forgotten his umbrella,what is probability that he has forgotten it in the taxi?

Stephen La Rocque and Harley Weston lui répond.
An irregular octagon 2007-12-23
Sheldon pose la question :
I am attempting to construct an irregular octagon picture frame out of bamboo. The bamboo is 1" in diameter and the opening should be 20" H X 16"W.
What measurements should be used?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Two cars drive in opposite directions 2007-12-23
dale pose la question :
2 cars starting from the same point in opposite direction on a straight highway drove 6 miles then turn left and drove 8 miles. How far apart are the cars?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The dimensions of a rectangle 2007-12-22
Justin pose la question :
I'm trying to find the width of a rectangle. I have its area and its height. The area is 32 inches square and the width is 4 feet (48 inches). Can someone help explain this to me?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many triangles can be formed? 2007-12-21
pankaj pose la question :
Q.There is 2 lines parallel to each other. If 1st has 5 points in it and 2nd 3 points in it,how many triangles can be formed?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The probability of the second win on the third test 2007-12-21
pankaj pose la question :
Q.The probability of india winning a test match against india is 1/2. Assuming independence from match to match. what is the probability that india's second win occurs at 3rd test in a 5 match series?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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