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A 5 button lock 2008-01-02
mandy pose la question :
i have a problem. I have a 5 button lock.and i seem to have forgotten the combination. You can only push each button once but you can push more than one button at a time and you don't have to use each button but i am pretty sure i used all five. for example it can be 1,2,3,4,5 or 1,2&3,4,5. I was wondering if anyone can get me a list of all the possibilities because i really need to get the box open.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The median 2008-01-02
tanya pose la question :
A triangle has vertices at A(-3, 2) B ( -5,-6) and C (5,0)

Find the equation of the line containing the median from the vertex A.

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Multiplying exponentials 2008-01-02
jessie pose la question :
Can you please explain how to put x^3 y^2 times x^1 y^3 in simplest exponential form?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Radicals in exponential form 2008-01-02
Andre pose la question :
The title of the section in my textbook is to write each of the following radicals in exponential form.

My question is how do u write the squareroot of 10 in exponential form?

Penny Nom lui répond.
How much did she invest? 2008-01-02
victor pose la question :
Sue invested $10,000,part at 4.8% annual interest and the balance at 7% annual interest. How much is invested at each rate if a 1-year interest payment is $645.66.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Practical applications of sequences 2008-01-01
carl pose la question :
can you give me examples of different kinds of practical applications of sequences?
Penny Nom lui répond.
racine carre de 9 2008-01-01
hichem pose la question :
racine carre de 9
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Lining up coins visually using geometry and trigonometry 2007-12-31
Jessica pose la question :
a) In what order would you arrange a penny, a nickel, a dime, a quarter, and a half-dollar so that they all have the same apparent size? The diameters of the coins, in thousandths of inches, are as follows: penny, 750; nickel, 835; dime, 705; quarter, 955; half-dollar, 1205.
b) How should the coins be placed, if the distance between the dime and the half-dollar is 100 units? How far from thw dime should your eye be to see that all the coins have the same apparent size?
c) What angle do the coins subtend when they have the same apparent size?

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Ordering fractions 2007-12-31
MARLYN pose la question :
Which list shows number in order least to greatest?

A. 07;2/3. 1/5;0.6

B 1/5;06; 07;2/3

C 1/5; 06; 2/3;0.7

D 2/5;0.6; 1/5;0.7

Penny Nom lui répond.
A spherical bubble gum bubble 2007-12-31
Houston pose la question :
Bazooka Joe is blowing a spherical bubble gum bubble. Let V be the volume in the bubble, R the inside of the bubble, and T the thickness of the bubble. V, T, and R are functions of time t.

(a) Write a formula for V in terms of T and R. Hint: Draw a picture
(b) Assume that the amount of bubble gum in the bubble is not changing. What is V'(t)?
(c) After 5 minutes of blowing a bubble gum bubble, the bubble is 3ft in diameter and .01 feet thick. If the inside radius of the bubble is expanding at a rate of .5 feet per minute, how fast is the thickness changing? Hint: Remember that the volume of gum in the bubble does not change over time.

Harley Weston lui répond.
Adding fractions 2007-12-31
Lisa pose la question :
As an educator in Adult Education, I am preparing a young man for a US Government test. The equation I have trouble with is explaining the following equation. It asks: If it takes A 3 days to dig a certain ditch, whereas b can dig it in 6 days, and C in 12, how long would it take all three to do the job? I know the equation is 1/3 + 1/6 + 1/12 and it equals = 7/12 but I don't understand how it equals 7/12. This simple math eludes me. So the question is not the final answer of 1 and 5/7 of days but where one comes up with the 7/12?
Penny Nom and Claude Tardif lui répond.
A rectangle is three times as long as it is wide. 2007-12-31
Robert pose la question :
A rectangle is three times as long as it is wide. If the length is decreased by 2 cm and the width is increased by 3 cm, the new rectangle has an area of 42 cm. What are the dimensions of the original rectangle?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Bingo cards 2007-12-30
Martin pose la question :
I'm trying to produce bingo cards. There are only 4 numbers on each bingo card. The numbers are between 1 and 12. How do i produce as many bingo cards as possible without duplicating number combinations?
Victoria West lui répond.
The surface area of the rectangular solid 2007-12-30
Sara pose la question :
For my math homework i found the volume of a rectangular solid whose deminsions were in feet and the numbers were 10 by 20 by 30
10 = hight
20 = short side base
30 = long side base
and now i have to find the surface area of the rectangular solid....
i know how to do this but i can't get the right answer it should be 2,200 ft squared but i keep getting 13,00 feet squared

Penny Nom lui répond.
The integral of 1/ (x(x+1)^0.5) 2007-12-29
Nooruddin pose la question :
Integral of
dx / x(x+1)^0.5
(boundaries are 5 and 3)

Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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