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A bronze statue is made in two sizes. 2007-12-17
Sara pose la question :
Hello! A bronze statue is made in two sizes. The taller statue is 15 cm high and the shorter one is 9 cm high. The taller statue weighs 3.75 kg. What is the weight of the shorter statue?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Circle area 2007-12-17
Marlena pose la question :
Ok, i do not see how to get the area of circles! they give you the circumfrance which is 43.96cm and then u have to find the radius and area. I got the area right which was 7cm but then i got 21.98 for a area and the real answer was 150.39cm What did i do wrong?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A 300 ton train locomotive is built at exact half scale in all dimensions 2007-12-16
Normand pose la question :
When a 300 ton train locomotive is built at exact half scale in all dimensions we assumed the weight would be 150 tons. Like a bar of solid steel cut in half would be. Why does this not work out? What are we missing here?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What length scale factor should he use? 2007-12-16
Lisa pose la question :
Hi! Joe wants to enlarge a picture so that its area is doubled. What length scale factor should he use?
Penny Nom lui répond.
lim sinx/(x +tanx) 2007-12-16
shimelis pose la question :
i have problem how do you solve this equation lim sinx/(x +tanx)
Harley Weston lui répond.
The Principle of Mathematical Induction 2007-12-15
iris pose la question :
we have some confusion in our problem. Please help us. We would like to know "the principle of mathematical induction"
(i) for n=1, p(1) is true.
(ii) assume that for n=k>=1, p(k) is true we have to prove p(k+1) is true. Here (Is n=k>=1 true? or Is n=k.1 true?)

Penny Nom and Victoria West lui répond.
The perimeter of circle 2007-12-15
shaquilla pose la question :
what is the perimeter of a circle.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Negative numbers 2007-12-14
mannal pose la question :
what negative integers do we use in the real world? like -30 temperature?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A triangle and a rectangle 2007-12-14
Someone pose la question :
A certain triangle has sides that are, respectively, 6inches, 8inches, and 10 inches. A rectangle with a n area equal to that of the triangle has a width of 3 inches. What is the perimeter of the rectangle, in inches.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Inflation rate 2007-12-14
cassie pose la question :
In 1972, Bob could fill his car with gasoline at a cost of $3.00. In 2007 it cost him $45.00 to fill his car. From 1972 to 2007, what is the annual inflation rate for gasoline? How does this inflation rate change when you change the cost to $0.25 per gallon in 1972 to $3.20 per gallon in 2007?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Finding all the angles 2007-12-13
Rajesh pose la question :
An eqilateral triangle is drawn in a square with one of the side as its base and draw the lines from the other angular sides such that there are four triangles formed inside the square which includes the equilateral triangle.I want to know all the angles of all the triangles formed inside the square.
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
A palindrome 2007-12-13
pradip pose la question :
I have discovered that for any n-digit number, when it's terminal digits are reversed,e.g.,1729 & 9721 & the resulting combinations are subtracted, the resulting solution is always a multiple of 9 & when this multiple of 9 is divided by 9, we will always get a palindrome, Example- 1234 & 4231, 4231-1234=2997/9=333., please I am not sure about the above fact, would please help me in confirming my discovery.
Harley Weston lui répond.
A 3 digit number 2007-12-13
Kim pose la question :
Find the number from the following clues:

A) is is a 3 digit even whole # divisible by 5
B} Each digit is different
C) Its hundreds digit is greater than its tens digit
D) It is less that 400, divisible by 3, and has only 1 odd digit.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Is math anxiety a learning disability? 2007-12-13
Steven pose la question :
Is math anxiety a learning disability?
Victoria West lui répond.
A 45-45-90 triangle 2007-12-13
Aaditya pose la question :
explain to me please how to do the 45-45-90 theorem when one of the legs(not the hypotenuse) is 3. How do you find the remaining two sides? please help me out.
Leeanne Boehm lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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