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How far are the boats apart? 2008-11-14
dom pose la question :
Two boats leave port at the same time. They leave at 150 degree angle. One boat travels at 10mph and the other at 20mph. After two hours how far are the boats apart?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Confusion in a multiple choice question 2008-11-14
BJ pose la question :
My son got this math problem which he could mostly solve. Here it is:

The highest location in a certain country is 4525 m above sea level. The lowest point in the same country is 192 m below sea level.

a) Find the difference of the two elevations. His answer: a-(-b)= a+b or 4525-(-192)= 4525+192=4717 m. No problem.

b) A city is 2221 m above sea level. Is this elevation closer to the highest point or the lowest point? His answer: highest point because: 4525-2221= 2304 m (closest to the highest point) and 2221-(-192)=2221+192= 2413 m. (farthest to the lowest point). OK so far.

But then he was given 4 choices for this question with no other information:

a) 4717 m; lowest b) 4333 m; lowest c) 4333 m; highest d) 4717 m; highest

What does it mean? What's the connection with the rest of the problem?

Harley Weston lui répond.
Arrays of 72 marbles 2008-11-13
natalie pose la question :
draw four possible arrays for 72 marbles
Penny Nom lui répond.
A cross-sectional area 2008-11-13
David pose la question :
I am doing a science project examining the tensile strength of seaweed fronds. I need to calculate the cross-sectional area from the major and minor diameters of the elliptical central axis of the seaweed frond. What formula would I use to get this. The strength of the segments is expressed in terms of cross-sectional area of the frond at the test site.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A trig Identity 2008-11-13
Rebecca pose la question :
Question from Rebecca, a student:

How do I prove:

     1/sin@                csc@                -2sin@
________      +       ______       =    _____
1 + CSC@         1-1/sin@                 cos^@
Penny Nom lui répond.

What is -5x+3y=24? 2008-11-13
Robert pose la question :
What is -5x+3y=24???????
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The angles and sides of a triangle 2008-11-13
JAMIE pose la question :
a triangle with a side(b)37m an angle(C)70degrees and (a)79m find values of angles A and B and length of side c
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A circle and a chord 2008-11-13
jane pose la question :
the center of a circle is at (-3,2) and its radius is 7. find the length of the chord, which is bisected at (3,1).
Penny Nom lui répond.
This question needs to be thrown away 2008-11-13
ang pose la question :
I'm a friend trying to help a friend in lower algebra. I feel like this question needs to be thrown away. It's so ill written.
Find an mathematical expression/equation: Half of the quotient of the total of a number and negative six and a number less negative six is the ratio of a number to a number more than negative seventeen

Stephen La Rocque and Harley Weston lui répond.
An odd shaped lot 2008-11-13
Janice pose la question :
Hi I am attaching a survey of an odd shaped real estate lot. I am hoping you can help me determine the acreage.


Harley Weston lui répond.
How do you work out 2/17 as a decimal? 2008-11-13
p pose la question :
how do you work out 2/17 as a decimal?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a cyclone 2008-11-13
Dianna pose la question :
I need to figure the cubic yards of a cyclone. 144" down to 48" 60" high
Penny Nom lui répond.
An equation with three radicals 2008-11-13
Crystal pose la question :
I need to solve this radical equation but i am confused on how to solve it with three square roots in it. sqrt(3x)+3-sqrt(2x-3)=sqrt(3x-2)
Harley Weston lui répond.
A barrel on its side 2008-11-13
Dave pose la question :
Question from Dave:

How many gallons are left in a 36x60 in. barrel (laying on its side) and has 16 in. of gasoline left. I have attached a diagram.

Harley Weston lui répond.
Real and imaginary zeros 2008-11-12
David pose la question :
Find all the real and imaginary zeros for each polynomial. Factor each polynomial. Leave factors with imaginary zeros in quadratic form.

h(x)= x^5 +2x^4 - 10x^3 -20x^2 +9x + 18

Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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