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License plates 2008-11-17
Clayton pose la question :
Okay, so in this situation a license plate must have four letters (A-Z) and four numbers (0-9), ex. ABCD-1234, where repeating a letter or number is allowed ex. AAAA-1234, or ABCD-1111, or AAAA-1111. The order of letters first numbers second, or number first, letters second is allowable, and each state has its own plates, so ABCD-1234 from New York, and ABCD-1234 from Minnesota are considered different combinations, how many different license plates could there be?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A triangle inscribed in a circle 2008-11-17
Wanda pose la question :
I have the same question that you guys answered 2007-03-02. I need more clarification. I UNDERSTAND how to get the radius=3, I get that it is an equilateral triangle so each vertex is 60 degrees, I get that area of triangle is 1/2 bh. I DO NOT understand why we multiply area X 3 , or how to calculate the values of base and height. Please explain a little further. Thanks.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A question about primes and polynomials 2008-11-16
Andrew pose la question :
Is it possible for (a^2 - a.b + b^2) to be divisible by a prime p where b > a > p and a, b, and p are relatively prime? I let a = n.p + x and b = m.p + y (where both x and y are < p) and after dividing throughout by p one gets to decide whether (x^2 - x.y + y^2) ==0 mod(p) ?! It seems unlikely unless p = (x^2 - x.y + y^2)? (Note:- All letters represent positive integers.)
Chris Fisher and Victoria West lui répond.
A word problem about a regular pentagon 2008-11-16
Sandra pose la question :
If the area of a regular pentagon is A=1.720a^2, in which a is one of the sides. Find the area of a regular pentagon with a side that measures 50cm.
Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond.
A game for 5 players 2008-11-16
safdar pose la question :
five players agreed that after every game, the loser doubles every body's money. they played 5 games and everybody lost once. after the 5 games, everybody had 4128. How much money did each of the players have before the game? show your work.
Janice Cotcher and Harley Weston lui répond.
The nth term of a sequence 2008-11-16
Robin pose la question :
How do I solve for the next term in the following sequence, I just don't want the answer...I want how to do it to. x,x -1, x -2

Also, how do I solve for the nth term? I can't understand the explanations I've found. He has numbers subscripted in his equations.

Victoria West lui répond.
Area of a Decagon 2008-11-15
preethi pose la question :
what is the formulae of decagon?
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Probability and a pill bottle 2008-11-15
Dana pose la question :
If a pill bottle contains either a clonazepam or clonidine pill and then a clonidine pill is added & the botttle is shaken up and a clonidine pill is "dumped" out, what are the chances a clonazepam pill remains in the bottle?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Two cubic yards, 4 inches deep 2008-11-15
Donna pose la question :
How many square feet will 2 cubic yards cover if the depth is 4 inches?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A group of people 2008-11-15
Michael pose la question :
In a group of people, if 20% of the people are 18-34 years of age, and 30% of the people are 25-54 years of age.

What are the percentages of people 18-24,25-34,35-54 and other? Thank you - Mike

Chris Fisher lui répond.
The midpoint o a line segment 2008-11-15
Jane pose la question :
The vertices of a triangle are at (1,7), (6,-1) and (0,3). Find the coordinates of the midpoints of the sides.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid 2008-11-14
hazel pose la question :
how to solve the diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid? what is the formula?
Harley Weston lui répond.
A ratio to a decimal 2008-11-14
manny pose la question :
Express 22 : 5 as a decimal. Round to the nearest hundredth
Penny Nom lui répond.
Choosing light bulbs from a box 2008-11-14
Annie pose la question :
A box of light bulbs contains 3 bulbs, two bulbs are defective.

What is the probability of choosing a non-defective bulb and a defective bulb in 2 draws?
What is the probability of choosing 3 defective bulbs followed by a non defective bulb?
What is the probability of choosing first 2 non defective bulbs followed by a defective bulb?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Multiplication 2008-11-14
natalie pose la question :
what is 8 times 30
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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