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A conical funnel 2008-11-12
Rachael pose la question :
Hello, I am a 10th grader in AP Calc, and can not figure out this question: Water is running out of a conical funnel at the rate of 1 inch^3/sec. If the radius of the base of the funnel is 4 in. and the altitude is 8 in., find the rate at which the water level is dropping when it is 2 in. from the top.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Three digit combinations 2008-11-12
Jimmy pose la question :
How many 3 digit combinations are possible using numbers 1-9? How did you get that answer?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Equations with fractional powers and roots 2008-11-12
David pose la question :
Find all real solution to each equation.

x^-2/3 = 9 how do you do this if its to the power

x + 1= Square root (3x +13) can you explain how to get an solution with square root?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Mary and Jane on a halfmile track 2008-11-10
alan pose la question :
mary is walking 15mph on a half mile track. jane is walking 12mph on a halfmile track. how much time will it take mary to pass jane.? HOW MANY TIMES WILL MARY PASS JANE IN 1 HOUR?
Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond.
Math and nursing 2008-11-10
alina pose la question :
how many math do you net for nurse
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Supplementary angles 2008-11-10
Anna pose la question :
<A and <B are supplementary angles. Twice the measure of <B is one-fourth the measure of <A. Find the measure of both angles.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Liquid in a drum 2008-11-10
RAY pose la question :
How can I determine the exact amount of liquid in an overturned drum?
Penny Nom and Victoria West lui répond.
Filling a tank with 2 taps 2008-11-10
Murray pose la question :
2 taps turned on together can fill a tank in 15 minutes. By themselves, one takes 16 minutes longer than the other to fill the tank.Find the time taken to fill the tank by each tap on it's own.
Penny Nom and Victoria West lui répond.
How fast is the distance between the airplanes decreasing? 2008-11-10
Crystal pose la question :
At a certain instant, airplane A is flying a level course at 500 mph. At the same time, airplane B is straight above airplane A and flying at the rate of 700 mph. On a course that intercepts A's course at a point C that is 4 miles from B and 2 miles from A. At the instant in question, how fast is the distance between the airplanes decreasing?
Harley Weston lui répond.
The reciprocal of a mixed number 2008-11-08
Trini pose la question :
Can the reciprocal of a mixed number be another mixed number? Explain, and give an example.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A flagpole and a yardstick 2008-11-07
Wanda pose la question :
One boy holds a yardstick vertically at a point 40 feet from the base of the flagpole. The other boy backs away from the pole to a point where he sights the top of the pole over the top of the yardstick. If his position is 1 ft 9 in from the yardstick and his eye level is 2 ft above the ground, find the height of the flagpole.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A repeating decimal 2008-11-07
mike pose la question :
what is 0.0028282828 recurring as a fraction?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Algebraic equations with fractions 2008-11-07
John pose la question :
Solve each equation. Check each solution.
10/2y+8 - 7y+8/y(squared)-16 = -8/2y-8

Harley Weston lui répond.
Solve the equation 2x + y = 6 for y. 2008-11-07
fatiuma pose la question :
Solve the equation 2x + y = 6 for y.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The dimensions of a rectangle 2008-11-07
laela pose la question :
A rectangle is 8 feet long and 6 feet wide.If the dimension is increased by the same number of feet,the area of the new rectangle formed is 32 square feet more than the area of the original rectangle.By how many feet was the each dimension increased?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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