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A 10% salt solution 2009-01-12
Joanna pose la question :
How many liters of water must evaporate from 40 liters of a 10% salt solution to make a 25% salt solution?
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
16 golfers 2009-01-11
Bill pose la question :
I have read many of your answers to similar questions but still need your assistance. We have 16 golfers that will be playing in 4 groups of 4 each day on an upcoming golf vacation. Can you suggest the best way to scheudle the individuals assigned to each daily foursome so that we have the most diversity in foursomes throughout the vacation. I am trying to have evryone play with as many members of the group over the week with the least amount of repetition. If you would please provide it for both 6 and 7 days, since we are not sure yet how many days we will be playing.
16 golfers-playing in groups of 4 each day-6 days
16 golfers-playing in groups of 4 each day-7 days

Victoria West lui répond.
The slope intercept form 2009-01-11
Norma pose la question :
write equation in slope intercept form and then find the slope and y-intercpet of the corresponding line.

please show step by step

1). 2x-3y-9=0 and 2). 3x-4y+8=0

Penny Nom lui répond.
A stack of rectangles 2009-01-11
ashwani pose la question :
Could you please advise the area of a rectangles pyramid. There are 5 rectangles placed one above the other. The top most rectangle has length 2 cm and height 2 cm. The subsequent rectangles length is increased by 1 cm on both the sides, while the height of the 2nd and 3rd rectangle is 2cm each, while the 4th & 5th has a height of 3 cm each. Could you please let me know the the area of the figure and the formula to calculate
Penny Nom lui répond.
A T-shirt fundraiser 2009-01-11
Andre pose la question :
Lou's class is selling T-shirts for a fundraiser. The supplier charges 750$ for the initial design and the set-up plus 5$ for each imprinted shirt. The students sell the shirts for 15$ each.
a)How many T-shirts do the students need to sell to break even?
b)How much profit will the students make if they sell 150 shirts?

Harley Weston lui répond.
I lost the combo to my lock box 2009-01-10
Rob pose la question :
I lost the combo to my lock box, I remember 2 of the #'s in the combo are 6, but dont remember which ones. What are the possible scenarios knowing the above? Thanks!
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Average and total 2009-01-10
cecil pose la question :
the average of six number is 84. what is the total
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
A flat-topped pyramid 2009-01-10
Tom pose la question :
I am planning to build an open ended, flat-topped pyramid with a rectangular base 28 x 36 in.; a square top 6 x6 in.; and a vertical height of 16 in.

I know how to calculate the dimensions of each of the pyramid sides but I don't know how to calculate the interior angles when I bend the sheet metal. I will cut the four sides separately and add a one inch flange to each "vertical" edge of the two larger sides to allow for a bonding surface for the assembly. How do I calculate that angle? I know it will be greater than 90 degrees but by how much?

Harley Weston lui répond.
Triangular prisms and pyramids 2009-01-10
KJ pose la question :
What are some items found in a home or school that could be considered a triangular prism or triangular pyramid?
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
Constants, and coeficiants 2009-01-10
Kelsey pose la question :
I am having trouble trying to remember what like terms, constants, and coeficiants are. My math teacher hasent been explaining it very well and i was wondering how to remember what they are, and what they are? I dont understand the concepts.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
18 golfers and 5 rounds 2009-01-10
steve pose la question :
We have 18 golfers 5 rounds . Would like 3 foursomes and 2threesomes each day Different groups each day.
Victoria West lui répond.
Parameterization of a curve 2009-01-10
stephanie pose la question :
Give parameterizations r(t)=x(t)i + y(t)j for the part of the parabola y=2x-x^2, from (2,0) to (0,0). Sketch the curve using arrows to show direction for increasing t. Essentially, i want to know how to determine the direction a particle is moving in for any curve, i have a vague idea using r'(t). Also, how do i parameterize? x=? and y=? Ans: x=2-t, y=2(2-t)-(2-t)^2
Harley Weston lui répond.
What is the maximum revenue? 2009-01-09
Kristy pose la question :
A skating rink manager finds that revenue R based on an hourly fee x for skating is represented by the function R(x) = -200x^2 + 1500x

What is the maximum revenue and what hourly fee will produce maximum revenues?

Harley Weston lui répond.
A wooden deck around a pool 2009-01-09
lupio pose la question :
a 20' pool is surrounded by a 3' wood deck, find the amount of material needed for the project
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
A max/min problem 2009-01-09
Angelica pose la question :
have 400 feet of fence. Want to make a rectangular play area. What dimensions should I use to enclose the maximum possible area?
Robert Dawson lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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