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Does probability apply here? 2009-01-15
Paul pose la question :
Suppose I have a dice in my hand that I am about to roll. The probability that I roll a six is, all things being equal, 1/6. I accept that.

Suppose now the I roll the dice and immediately cup my hand over the result. What is the probability that I have rolled a six? People seem to want to say it is still 1/6. But it can't be can it!? It is surely either 1 or 0, depending on whether I have in fact rolled a six?

Robert Dawson lui répond.
Ordering fractions 2009-01-14
Shea pose la question :
I am a special education teacher, who is trying to to show my students how to order fractions. I found your response to this questions while looking for information. I need a visual to explain to my students and myself on how and why you multiply the fractions together.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Concrete around a pipe 2009-01-14
Doug pose la question :
How much concrete will i need for a hole that is 20 feet deep 20 inches in diameter with a 8-inch pipe in it. I need to know how much concrete on the outside of the 8-inch pipe.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The circumference of a table 2009-01-14
Maggie pose la question :
My dinning room table is 48 inches. I need to know what its Circumference is? I do not know algebra so a formula will not help me.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A applied math trig problem 2009-01-13
Simon pose la question :
I wish to find all the answers for the following equation over the interval (0,1):
cos^2(pi * n^x) + cos^2(pi * n^(1-x)) - 2 = 0 where n is any integer > 0

Robert Dawson and Harley Weston lui répond.
A rectangular prism 2009-01-13
nika pose la question :
How many bases does a rectangular prism have? What are they?
Harley Weston lui répond.
For which integers a, b, c does a - b - c = a - (b - c)? 2009-01-13
Johanna pose la question :
For which integers a, b, c does a - b - c = a - (b - c)?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A maximum area problem 2009-01-13
Kylie pose la question :
Help me please! I don't know how or where to start and how to finish. The problem is: A window has the shape of a rectangle surmounted by a semicircle. If the perimeter of the window is 15 ft., find the dimensions that will allow the maximum amount of light to enter.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Two methods of payment 2009-01-13
adjoa pose la question :
owen was offered $225.00per week plus 3%on sales, or 15%of sales with no salary. How much must he sell before the second method of payment gives him the highest pay? Express your answer to the nearest dollar.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a cone 2009-01-13
ab pose la question :
the area of the base of the cone shown is 314 cm and it's height is 12 cam what is the volume?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Lita and Rose start jogging on a 110 m circular track 2009-01-13
Narcisa pose la question :
Lita and Rose start jogging on a 110 m circular track. They begin at the same point, but jog in opposite directions, lita at 8/3 meters per second and rose at 7/3 m per second. Find the number of times they they will pass each other during the first 15 minutes of jogging?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Two trains 2009-01-12
Shanise pose la question :
If train A leaves the train station at noon traveling 45mph and train B leaves the train station at 1pm traveling 65mph, what time will the trains meet?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Negative rate of change 2009-01-12
hemanshu pose la question :
when i have to find rate of change of decrease in any value my ans comes in negative why??????????
Penny Nom lui répond.
A four digit passcode 2009-01-12
john pose la question :
i have a machine at home that has a four digit passcode and the numbers range from 1 to 4 how can i get all the ways those numbers can be used
Harley Weston lui répond.
A seven card poker hand 2009-01-12
Sean pose la question :
from a standard card deck, seven cards are chosen at random. find the probability that the set chosen contains exactly three of each of two different face values.

the second part of the problem asks the probability that the card hand contains exactly three 2's and exactly three 5's.

Robert Dawson lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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