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Partial derivatives 2009-01-17
Meghan pose la question :
I have a question I've been working at for a while with maxima/minima of partial derivatives.

"Postal rules require that the length + girth of a package (dimensions x, y, l) cannot exceed 84 inches in order to be mailed. Find the dimensions of the rectangular package of greatest volume that can be mailed. (84 = length + girth = l + 2x + 2y)"

Harley Weston lui répond.
How far is the airplane from the control tower? 2009-01-17
Murtaza pose la question :
An aircraft is vertically above a point which is 10 km west and 15 km north of a control tower. The aircraft is 4000 m above the ground, how far is it from the control tower?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The whole number that precedes a number w+3 2009-01-17
Morgan pose la question :
write a variable expression for "The whole number that precedes a number w+3"
Penny Nom lui répond.
A 28 week golf schedule 2009-01-17
Don pose la question :
You have a 12 man golf schedule playing 8 weeks. Can you go further and make it a 28 week schedule. 3 foursomes. any help would be greatly appreciated.
Victoria West lui répond.
Fuel in a tank 2009-01-16
Steve pose la question :
I am not a math expert and want help seeing how much fuel is in a tank at one given time the tank that i have is 27 inches round. It is 69 inches long. laying length ways. it holds 140 gallons of fuel at fill up. I do know that it would hold less at the bottom of the tank an more in the center. Is there anybody that could just give me the figures by the inch without a formula. thanks for your time
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Problem solving with fractions 2009-01-16
Linda pose la question :
Sam and Mary each owned one-half stock in a printing company. Sam sold 2/5 of his stock to Mary. What fractional part of the printing business does Mary now own?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Parallel distances from arc of circle to its chord 2009-01-16
Roger pose la question :
Give the length of a chord of a circle and the height of the arc, how do I find the lengths of equally spaced parallel lines drawn from the chord to the arc. (Think of the lengths of vertical slats in an arch-topped bed head board.)
Chris Fisher and Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A golf trip with 12 golfers 2009-01-16
Brad pose la question :
I am organizing a golf trip with 12 golfers. We will play 5 rounds (3 foursomes each round) total and play two 9 holes matches per round (18holes). So two matches are created within each foursome. What are the possible combinations of foursomes so that everyone plays each other at least once with the least number of repeat matches? For example: Here are the foursomes for round 1:(1,2,3,4) (5,6,7,8) (9,10,11,12) match 1 round 1: 1vs2, 3vs4, 5vs6, 7vs8, 9vs10,11vs12 we can not split foursomes up for the second match (9 hole matches): So match 2 round 1: 1vs3, 2vs4,5vs7,6vs8,9vs11,10vs12
Victoria West lui répond.
Solve for x 2009-01-16
maritza pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
0.0708 lbs per linear yard 2009-01-16
Kevin pose la question :
If I know that my product is .0708lbs per linear yard how do I calculate how many Linear yards are in a lb?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An expression for q quarters and n nickles 2009-01-16
Morgan pose la question :
a variable expression for:

"The value in cents of q quarters and n nickels"

Penny Nom lui répond.
Segments of a sphere 2009-01-16
Herman pose la question :
How do I solve for a segment of a sphere so that the orange peel or pie shaped section is converted to a flat surface with dimensions. I form large diameter domes, elliptical and sphere heads on a press. I enter the diameter say 30 feet with two segments above and below the equator and the total number of segment around the circumference at say 18 so the widest part of the pie shaped section will fit my press. How do I take the upper or lower course above or below the equator and figure the height of the orange peel shape, the chord length at top and bottom, and solve for the right angle at 2 degree increments down the arc length of the pieces so I can layout the flat plates prior to pressing. Thanks for your help.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A line is perpendicular to another line 2009-01-16
Greg pose la question :
A line is perpendicular to the line y=2x+3 and has the same x-intercept as x+3y+10. Find the equation of this line. Express your answer in the form of y=mx+b. Justify your answer.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Saving for his daughter's education 2009-01-15
George pose la question :
To save for his daughter’s university education at the end of each month Mr McLean sets aside £50 in a savings scheme paying 10% p.a. compounded monthly. He begins saving when his daughter is 3 years old. How much will he have saved by the time his daughter is 18?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Multiplying negative numbers 2009-01-15
stephanie pose la question :
hi, I'm currently working in a grade 8 class where the students are learning about integers. the students were asked to find examples of how integers are applied in real life. they were able to find aplications for: adding and subtracting both positive and negative integers. however, we could not find an example of where two negative integers would be either divided or multiplied together in real life. For example: (-2)(-4)= +8. please help.
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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