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Who am I? 2009-01-09
daphne pose la question :
im a 2-digit number less than 85.the sum of my digits is 9.the number in my ones place is twice my tens digit. who am i?
Robert Dawson and Harley Weston lui répond.
What day of the week will it be? 2009-01-09
dan pose la question :
suppose 3 days ago was a wednesday. what day of the week will 365 days from today be?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Brothers and sisters 2009-01-09
Jade pose la question :
Pat, Joe, Dave,Yoly, Dolor and Alma are three brothers - and sister - pairs who play double tennis. Brother and sister ca not play in the same pair. Pat and Yoly play Dave and Dolor on one day. Dave and Yoly play Joe and Alma on another day. Name each brother - and sister pair, in any order.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A one cubic mile lake 2009-01-09
dye pose la question :
how many liters are in a one cubic mile lake
Robert Dawson lui répond.
When is Sean's birthday? 2009-01-09
Robin pose la question :
Sean is 4 months older than Tony. Mia is 6 months younger than Tony. If Mia's birthday is in April when is Sean's?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The table of values for y=3x-10 2009-01-09
Jade pose la question :
How can I know the value of x for y=3x-10 in this table of values pls. include the deatails

if x=-2 y=-16
if x=3 y=-1
but how if y=2 what is x

Penny Nom lui répond.
A bag of coins 2009-01-09
marina pose la question :
I have a bag of gold coins. I give 1/8 to mother then gave 1/2 of what was left to my brother i give 2/7 of what was left to father. If i have 25 coins left. how many do i have originally.
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
Two angles are supplementary 2009-01-08
Stephanie pose la question :
two angles are supplementary, one of the angles is 30 degrees more than double the other angle. find the first angle, the second angle the complement of the given angle.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
5 yards of concrete 2009-01-08
jon pose la question :
To mix 5 yards of concrete, how many loads will I need to mix in a 4.5 cubic feet mixer? Thanks, jon
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The top half of a cone vs. the bottom half of the same cone 2009-01-08
Tammy pose la question :
What is the ratio of the volume of the top half of a cone vs. the bottom half of the same cone? Is it seven times larger, or four times larger? and is the ratio consistent regardless of the size of the cone opening?
Penny Nom lui répond.
660 yards = ?? miles 2009-01-08
Ashley pose la question :
How do I convert yards to miles, specifically, 660 yards = x miles. Please show work so I can figure other problems out.
Penny Nom lui répond.
(a x b) intersect (b x a) 2009-01-08
sean pose la question :
is it possible to have two sets such that n((a X b) intersect (b X a) =3
Harley Weston lui répond.
50 coins with a value of $1.00 2009-01-08
Ana pose la question :
you have 50 coins which have a total value of 1.00. What are the coins and how many of each do you have?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Arrays of chairs 2009-01-08
Vickie pose la question :
I am not sure how to help my son figure out one of his math journal problems. He is in third grade and this just seems a bit much for him. They have only been working on multiplication for about 3 weeks and just went back to school from Christmas break. Their other homework has been about arrays, so I guess his teacher wants this answered in some sort of array. Unfortunately I'm not sure.

The problem states: If you have 24 chairs find the total number of ways the chairs can be arranged.

Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
Grade 4 Foundation Skills 2009-01-07
Susan pose la question :
Hi, I'm taking over tutoring my 15 yr old niece, who has dyslexia. She has been being tutored by someone else,but my sister had problems with her. My niece needs help in math and english and spelling. Is there a test that I can do with her to see where she stands at this point? I do believe the math is at a 3rd, or 4th grade level. I'm not sure about the other two. Do you have any suggestions? All help is appreciated.
Victoria West lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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