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Archimedes' formula for parabolic arches 2009-01-23
La pose la question :
Use calculus to verify Archimedes' formula for y=9-x^2. Prove Archimedes' formula for a general parabolic arch.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Un système de plusieurs équations et plusieurs inconnues 2009-01-22
Cédrick pose la question :
J'ai un problème écrit à résoudre est-ce que vous pouvez m'aider ?

Le premier est le tiers de la somme des deux autres.
La somme du premier et du deuxième est 13.
Le produit du deuxième et du troisième est 56.
Réponse: Le premier nombre est___________________
Le deuxième nombre est _________________
Le troisième nombre est _________________

Pierre-Louis Gagnon, Antoine Letarte at Claude Tardif lui répond.
3/4 0f what=75 2009-01-22
tyree pose la question :
3/4 0f what=75
Harley Weston lui répond.
Calculate the GST paid from the total 2009-01-22
Claude pose la question :
I need to know the GST I paid for irems bought. What is the simple formula to calculate the GST paid from the total. Some merchants do not clearly indicate the amount of GST on their sale receipt.
Harley Weston lui répond.
5 "digit" combinations 2009-01-22
Timothy pose la question :
I was wondering how many different 5 digit combinations are possible using 0-9 and a-z and you can use the same letter or number repeatedly in the combination.
Penny Nom lui répond.
In the shadow of a flagpole 2009-01-22
La pose la question :
How fast is the length of the shadow of an 18 foot flagpole growing when the angle of elevation of the sun is 45 degrees and is decreasing at a rate of 10 degrees per hour?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Probability and birthdays 2009-01-22
La pose la question :
Neglecting the effect of leap years, what is the chance that, of 6 people selected at random, 2 will have the same birthday?
Penny Nom lui répond.
1 foot drop every 25 feet 2009-01-22
jerry pose la question :
1 foot drop every 25 feet what is the angle of the degree
Penny Nom lui répond.
The parabola with vertex (7,-2) and directrix y = -3 2009-01-21
Deann pose la question :
Find an equation of the parabola with vetrex (7,-2) and directrix y =(-3)
Penny Nom lui répond.
26 paychecks 2009-01-21
Kenneth pose la question :

If someone is paid every two weeks, he receives 26 paychecks per year, (52 weeks/year)divided by (2 weeks/1 check) equals 26 paychecks per year.

However, if the calculation uses days instead of weeks, the answer is not exactly 26 paychecks. For example, 365 days divided by 14 days per paycheck equals 26 1/14 paychecks. Fourteen days is equivalent to two weeks, isn't it?

Why is there this fractional amount of 1/14 of a paycheck?

Robert Dawson and Victoria West lui répond.
The height of a triangle 2009-01-20
ELEY pose la question :
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
A tortoise and a hare 2009-01-20
jenna pose la question :
A tortoise can run with a speed of 0.14 m/s, and a hare can run 20 times as fast. In a race, they both start at the same time, but the hare stops to rest for 1.0 minutes. The tortoise wins by a shell (25 cm).
(a) How long does the race take?

(b) What is the length of the race?

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Factor x^2 - y^2 2009-01-20
Shell pose la question :
complete Factor: x^2-y^2
Penny Nom lui répond.
PST and GST 2009-01-20
janet pose la question :
Hello I need to figure what one would pay pst 8% gst 5% on a total of $1700.00 I have a small business some pay with cash I need to calculate the taxes in reverse Can you help with formula that the government might like Thank you Janet
Harley Weston lui répond.
A three digit number 2009-01-20
marcha pose la question :
when this three digit number is rounded to the nearest ten, the sum of its digits is 16 the hundreds digit of this number is 8 and the ones digit is 5, what is the number?
Robert Dawson lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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