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How many color combinations are possible for the four rooms. 2009-01-26
Irfan pose la question :
John wants to paint 4 rooms in his house, each a different color and he may choose from 7 different colors of paint. How many color combination are possible for the four rooms.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A regular hexagon is inscribed in a circle. 2009-01-26
Thejas pose la question :
A regular hexagon is inscribed in a circle. If the perimeter of the hexagon is 42 inches, how many inches are in the circumference of the circle? How do you express this in the terms of pi?
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
How many students were there 2009-01-25
sooos pose la question :
After a math lecture in university, the students go to the cafeteria. EACH ONE of them buys a cheese sandwich and a cup of tea. They ALL pay $18.49. How many students were they?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A cubical tank that is 8 m on a side 2009-01-25
gina pose la question :
Suppose one edge of a cubic tank is 8m; Find the volume of the tank in cubic meters
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a triangle 2009-01-25
black pose la question :
Explain how the formula for the area of a triangle can be determined by using the formula for the area of a parallelogram.
Penny Nom lui répond.
An octagonal carpet 2009-01-24
Larry pose la question :
I am cutting a piece of carpet that is 9 feet x 9 feet and need to cut it into an octagon. How far do I cut from the corner of the square. thank you for any help.
Harley Weston lui répond.
How fast is the visible surface of the earth decreasing? 2009-01-24
Ray pose la question :
A dive bomber loss altitude at a rate of 400 mph. How fast is the visible surface of the earth decreasing when the bomber is one mile high?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Perimeters and scale factors 2009-01-24
dennis pose la question :
I have this work that says how are the value of the ratios for the perimeters related to the scale factor? PLEASE HELP ME OUT
Harley Weston lui répond.
An integral from 1 to infinity 2009-01-24
Ray pose la question :
Determine the area bounded by the x-axis and the curve y=1/(x^2) from x=1 to x=infinity.
A. 1.00
B. infinity
C. indeterminate
D. 2.00

Harley Weston lui répond.
20 of us golf together in groups of 4 2009-01-24
D. pose la question :
Every Sunday, 20 of us golf together in groups of 4. I am looking for a way that each of us play with 3 other people each week and ultimately get to play in groups that are unique. For instance if week 1, I play with 2, 3, 4 and then the next week I play with 5, 6, 7, and the 3rd week I play with 8, 9, 10 and so forth until I have played with everyone. Everbody else should be doing the same thing. Can you give me a schedule for this and how many weeks would it take for all of us to accomplish this where we all play with different combinations of people. (We should not play with the same person very often or even the same pairs of people but everyone should play with everybody else) I hope this makes sense........whew and thanks!
Victoria West lui répond.
Water flowing from a cone to a cylinder 2009-01-23
Ray pose la question :
Water is passing through a conical filter 24 cm deep and 16 cm across the top into a cylindrical container of radius 6 cm. At what rate is the level of water in the cylinder rising when the depth of the water in the filter is 12 cm its level and is falling at the rate of 1 cm/min?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Two tangent circles 2009-01-23
Murtaza pose la question :
Two circles touch externally at T. A chord of the first circle XY is produced and touches the other at Z. The chord ZT of the second circle, when produced, cuts the first circle at W. Prove that angle XTW = angle YTZ.
Robert Dawson and Chris Fisher lui répond.
A cyclic quadrilateral 2009-01-23
Murtaza pose la question :
Line ATB touches a circle at T and TC is a diameter. AC and BC cut the circle at D and E respectively.Prove that the quadrilateral ADEB is cyclic.
Robert Dawson and Chris Fisher lui répond.
Sheep, goats, and hogs 2009-01-23
La pose la question :
A man buys sheep, goats, and hogs, to the number of 100, for 100 crowns; the sheep cost him 1/2 a crown a-piece; the goats cost him 1-1/3 crowns a-piece; and the hogs cost him 3-1/2 crowns a-piece. How many had he of each?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The tens digit of 0! + 1! + 2! + 3! + 4! .............+9999! + 10000! 2009-01-23
Kaylyn pose la question :
determine the tens digit for the expression:
0! + 1! + 2! + 3! + 4! .............+9999! + 10000!

Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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