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Congruent line segments 2009-02-05
casie pose la question :
marica drew one-line segment on a graph with endpoint of (0,9) and (0,4). she drew another line segment with endpoints (1,1) and (6,1). are the line segment congruent?explain
Penny Nom lui répond.
A trig limit 2009-02-05
Kathy pose la question :
Hi! I was just wondering how to do this question:

lim 1-cos2x/xsinx as x approaches 0



Penny Nom lui répond.
Fill behind a retaining wall 2009-02-05
Fausto pose la question :
i'm trying to figure out how many cubic yards i will need. I built a retaining wall that it's 5 feet high, running 90 feet long. There is a slope running to the wall of 24 degrees. The distance from the top of the slope to the wall is 12 feet. I don't know how to calculate how many cubic yards of fill dirt i need in there. Please help. Thanks!
Harley Weston lui répond.
The height of a triangle 2009-02-05
Theresa pose la question :
Find the area of a triangle by first finding the height. base30ft hypotenuse50ft
Penny Nom lui répond.
A truncated tetrahedron 2009-02-05
Brad pose la question :
If you take a regular tetrahedron and truncate it so you keep the original three 60degree angles around one vertex but the legs originating from it become any three consecutive terms of the Fibonacci series the new base is one triangle of a pentagon. I want to know the height of the new pyramid relative to its new base and the angles between the base and the other three sides.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Faces, edges and vertices 2009-02-04
sheila pose la question :
what is the relationship between the number of faces and the number of edges of a triangular pyramid ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many yards are in a cord? 2009-02-04
joanna pose la question :
How many yards are in a cord?
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
The sequence 5, 12, 19, 26, ... 2009-02-04
Vickie pose la question :
Hello, Here's the question. Ryan wanted to play basketball on a team, He started practicing shooting everyday to improve his skills. The first day he make 5 shots, the second day he made 12 shots, the third day he made 19 shots, and the fourth day he makde 26 shots. If the first day was March 1 and the pattern continues, how many shots will Ryan make on the last day of April and the last day of July? My daughter's answers were 425 for April and 1069 for July. Are these correct and what would be the formula for this question? ? +N=? I don't know please help. Thank you, Vickie
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
Transformations 2009-02-04
Vickie pose la question :

My daughter had a question on her Week By Week about transformations and I can't remember what transformations will result in proportional figures. If a transformation looks like it is smaller what is that called? Also if the figure looks bigger what is that called?


Robert Dawson lui répond.
A company fish fry 2009-02-04
shaelisa pose la question :
At a company fish fry, ½ in attendance are employees. Employees’ spouses are 1/3 of the attendance. What is the percentage of the people in attendance who are not employees or employee spouses?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A point on -8x^2+5xy+y^3=-149 2009-02-04
Vivian pose la question :
Consider the curve defined by -8x2+5xy+y3=-149
a) find dy/dx
b) Write an equation for the line tangent to the curve at the point (4,-1)
c) There is a number k so that the point (4.2,k) is on the curve. Using the tangent line found in part b), approximate the value of k.
d) write an equation that can be solved to find the actual value of k so that the point (4.2,k) is on the curve
e) Solve the equation found in part d) for the value of k

Harley Weston lui répond.
12 golfers 2009-02-04
david pose la question :
12 golfers playing in 3 four balls over five rounds. can everyone play with everyone else at least once.
Victoria West lui répond.
A 30-60-90 triangle 2009-02-03
Inez pose la question :
If you have a 30-60-90 triangle and the only side you get is 73 and a 90 degree box, how do you find the area?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Randy' age and Mandy's age 2009-02-03
carolina pose la question :
Randy is 4 times as old as Mandy, in 12 years, Mandies age is half of Randy's . how old is each now?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Fertilizer in a bin 2009-02-03
Todd pose la question :
Hello I am looking for a formula to figure out the fertilizer volume in a hopper bottom bin not only when it is full but part full as well. When you are filling it is heaped up in the middle to make a cone and when you are emptying the bin the cone is inverted so it would be nice to be able to quickly figure out the tonnes partly filled and when full.
Lets say the bin is 32 feet high from top of bin where you fill to the bottom where the product goes out and it is 16 feet in diameter. I know how to calculate the cylinder it is the cones on the top and bottom of the bin I have the main question on.

Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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