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A definite integral 2009-02-09
Mathata pose la question :
Evaluate: integral from 0 to 1, x^2 e^x^3dx
Harley Weston lui répond.
Seating around a circular table 2009-02-09
Jenny pose la question :
A committee of 15 -- 9 women and 6 men -- is to be seated at a circular table (with 15 seats). In how many ways can the seats be assigned so that no two men are seated next to each other?
Victoria West lui répond.
Fencing 5 acres 2009-02-06
bob pose la question :
How many feet of fencing is required to fence in 5 acres
Harley Weston lui répond.
Making shapes with straws 2009-02-06
Melissa pose la question :
suppose you have 60 straws. How many of each shape could you make
a) Triangles
b) squares
c) pentagons
d) hexagons

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Cubic centimeters and ounces 2009-02-06
Dawn pose la question :
1-- syringe contains 5.5cc of medicine & cost $13.50
1 --2 oz bottle of medicine cost $17.50

How many cc's in 2 oz, & which is the better deal?

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Are these lines parallel? 2009-02-06
Conor pose la question :
are these lines parallel?

y = 3x -2 and 6y = 3x +2

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A triangular pyramid 2009-02-06
kamran pose la question :
what would be an example of a triangular pyramid
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A rectangular park 2009-02-06
Debbie pose la question :
A park named Writer's Rectangle opened in town. When asked about the dimensions of the rectangle, the city planner, responded with these clues: ---The diagonals of the rectangular park plus its longer sides together measure seven times one of the shorter sides. ---The length of one diagonal is 250 m longer than one of the shorter sides. Use this information to find the area of the park.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Catching up to the car ahead 2009-02-06
Ashley pose la question :
Car A passes Car B on a freeway. The driver of Car B decides to speed up to 75 mph and catch Car A, whose driver is maintaining a constant speed. Looking ahead, the driver of Car B sees Car A go under an overpass one-qarter mile up the road. Exactly six minutes later, Car B catches Car A. How fast was the car going?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The height of a triangle 2009-02-06
lisa pose la question :
find the height of a triangle, which can be split into two right triangles, but the base (4') is not split equally in half. No interior angles are given.
side a=3', side b=5'

Penny Nom lui répond.
How much did the statue originally cost him? 2009-02-06
Debra pose la question :
Jim is able to sell a hand-carved statue for $670 which was a 35% profit over his cost. How much ded he statue originally cost him?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The substitution method 2009-02-06
amber pose la question :
Pleasse help me with this problem

Penny Nom lui répond.
4 digit arrangements of 7 3 6 6 2009-02-05
Carole pose la question :
I need all the four digit combinations using the numbers 7 3 6 6
Penny Nom lui répond.
Conics 2009-02-05
Jay pose la question :
If you were to design your own picture of a conic, what would it look like? And also if you had to use two conics from the solar system and a solar oven...?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A trig limit 2009-02-05
Samantha pose la question :
lim x-> 0 ( ( r*cos(wt +h) + r*cos(wt) )/ h )

Where r & w are constants.

Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



accueil centre de ressources accueil Société mathématique du Canada l'Université de Regina PIMS