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A piecewise function for monthly salary 2009-02-03
Josh pose la question :
A sales rep for a drug company is paid on the following scale. His base salary is $1600 per month. He is also paid a commission of 2% of sales over $20,000. When his gross sales reach $30,000 he is then paid 4% on the amount above that until his sales reach $50,000 after which point his commission becomes 6%. His commission reaches 8% when his sales total goes over $100,000 for the month. Set up a piecewise function for the information above.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Calculating markup 2009-02-03
Tonya pose la question :
I'm trying to figure out the formula for the following, I have a product that I want to receive a certain profit, but with this product I also have to pay a percentage of commission to someone. I need to know how to calculate my new selling price taking into account the markup percentage, but I don't want my cut to be lowered. I have calculated the markup percentage to get my new selling price with the commission, but it lowers my cut once I pay the commission and I don't want it to do that. Thanks
Penny Nom lui répond.
What do I need to pass the course? 2009-02-02
Lynnette pose la question :
If I received 100% on my assignment which is worth 20% of my total mark and 87% on my midterm which is worth 40% of my total mark what would I need to get on the final exam which is worth 40% of my mark. To pass the course I must have 80% or above. Thanks.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The units digit is 5 2009-02-02
Ray pose la question :
the number that when squared the units digit is 5
Penny Nom lui répond.
What's the derivative of y = e^2x-e^-2x / e^2x+e^-2x? 2009-02-02
Heather pose la question :
What's the derivative of y = e^2x-e^-2x / e^2x+e^-2x ?
Harley Weston lui répond.
4 times as many or 4 times more? 2009-02-02
Jackie pose la question :
Given : Here are 3 squares and 4 sets of 3 circles.

I wonder it is right to write in the below manner to represent the following Conclusion that
can be made from the above given information:

  1. There are 4 times as many circles as there are squares,

  2. There are 4 times fewer square than circles;

  3. There are 4 times more circles than squares.

  4. ...

Robert Dawson lui répond.
Simultaneous equations with an xy term 2009-02-01
angelee pose la question :
xy+5x-2y-10=0 2x+y=1
Penny Nom lui répond.
A falling object 2009-02-01
Tamara pose la question :
We drop an object from rest (i.e. its initial spped is zero. It is falling freely toward the ground. What will be its speed after 5 seconds of falling?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What will be its speed after 10s? 2009-02-01
Tamara pose la question :
An object has an initial speed of 5 m/s and is accelerating with 2 m/s2 (m/s squared) acceleration. What will be its speed after 10s?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The sequence 2n! - 1 2009-02-01
Penny pose la question :
I am trying to help my son with this problem. Find the first five terms of the sequence that can be written from the formula A= 2n !-1.
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many gallons = (1 acre * .25 inch) 2009-01-31
Thom pose la question :
How many gallons = (1 acre * .25 inch) Thanks Thom
Penny Nom lui répond.
One acre of land 2009-01-31
michelle pose la question :
Can you tell me how many feet in length would it be for a acre if the land is 155 feet wide. Thank You! michelle
Penny Nom lui répond.
The resulting number is the square of an integer 2009-01-30
Randy pose la question :
A positive integer n is chosen. Then the product n ( n + 1 ) is computed and two digits are appended to the end of the product. The resulting number is the square of an integer.

Show that it is always possible to complete the process above or give a positive integer n for which the process cannot be completed.

Chris Fisher and Claude Tardif lui répond.
7 golfers playing 4 days of golf 2009-01-30
Trish pose la question :
I have 7 golfers and we are playing 4 days of golf. I would like to do pairings so that everyone gets to play with each other at least one time. Can you help with this? Not a math whiz here and looking for help. Thank you.
Victoria West lui répond.
(12+8)/2x42= 2009-01-30
Susan pose la question :
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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