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More on the gst 2009-02-23
melissa pose la question :
I need to know the amount of gst that was in the amount of 630.67? How do you figure this out? I don't need the amount of gst after, but the gst included?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Calculs de minutes en heures 2009-02-23
Denis pose la question :
Je suis en train de suivre un cours en navigation maritime et je dois changer souvent des minutes en heures. ex: 495 minutes = ?h??

Je désire avoir le cheminement le plus simple a faire pour ce type de calcul. Je ne travail pas avec excell. Je veux une formule a faire seulement avec une calculatrice élémentaire. Merci pour votre aide, j'apprécie beaucoup votre coup de main. Denis.

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Hauteur d'un tétraèdre 2009-02-23
Sébastien pose la question :

J'ai trouvé un exercice de maths sur internet pour m'entraîner, j'ai bientôt fini, il me manque juste la dernière question à laquelle je bloque. Voici l'énoncé : Sur les arêttes d'un cube, on marque les points I, J et K tels que Ai=AJ=AK=x, où x est un réel donné strictement positif et strictement inférieur à la longueur a de l'arête du cube.

La question 1) disait que le triangle IJK est équilatéral et que son aire est de( x² racine de 2)/2. La question 2) disait que AIJK est un tétraèdre et que son volume est de (x au cube) /6. Et la question où je bloque : 3) La perpendiculaire menée par A au plus (IJK) coupe ce plan en H. Calculer AH en fonction de x.

Merci de votre aide! Bonne journée.

Claude Tardif lui répond.
An octagonal poker table 2009-02-23
Corey pose la question :
I'd like to build an octagonal poker table using 4'x8' sheets of plywood. I would like each side edge to be approx. 2' wide. I am sure that due to the angles I can do this with one sheet of plywood, but i don't know how to measure for this. Can you help?
Robert Dawson and Harley Weston lui répond.
Amount of Water 2009-02-23
Jeanette pose la question :
I received a water bill for 660,000 gal. of water. I don't think it is possible to pass this much water through a 1 1/2 inch pipe in 30 days. Is it possible to send that much water? I am assuming that there is a water pressure of 50 gpm, but I am not sure of that. It is a rural water system.
Janice Cotcher & Robert Dawson lui répond.
Buying 13,983,816 tickets for the 6/49 lotto 2009-02-23
luis pose la question :
if 6/49 lotto combinations is 13,983,816 combinations at 10.pesos per combinationthe price amount is 139,838.160.00 is it wise for me to get all the combinations since the the pot money is more than 347 million pesos. Am I right?
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
Augmented matrix: independent, dependent, or inconsistent? 2009-02-23
Anna pose la question :
Perform row operations on the augmented matrix as far as necessary to determine whether the system is independent, dependent, or inconsistent.

x + y + z = 11
x - y + 3z = 5
2x + 2y + 2z = 15

Harley Weston lui répond.
Pressure at Given Depth 2009-02-22
Tamara pose la question :
A sea is 3km deep. The average density of sea water there is 1020 kg/m^3. What is the water pressure at the bottom?
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Time in a Swing 2009-02-22
Barb pose la question :
I looked at the questions concerning a pendulum as I know I need to use this formula but I am stiil not able to figure this problem out. Can you help? If a child is on a swing with a 10 foot chain, then how long des it take to complete one cycle of the swing? I know I am suppose to use the formula 8T^2 = pi^2 L but I do not understand how to do this. Thanks
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Intercepts in a Quadratic Function 2009-02-22
Barb pose la question :
I have a question I need help with please. What are the number of x and y intercepts that quadratic function can have and why? Thanks.
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Surface area of a cube 2009-02-22
JOHNNIER pose la question :
determine the surface area of a cube with volume 125 mm3, thank u very much
Penny Nom lui répond.
Percentage difference in pipe volumes 2009-02-22
mike pose la question :
what is the % difference between a 3 inch diameter pipe compared to a 4 inch diameter pipe? and how do i find the answer?
Penny Nom lui répond.
16 golfers playing one round of golf on each of four days 2009-02-22
Jim pose la question :
I have seen solutions for other combinations of setting up a golf trip but I haven't seen one for my group. We have 16 golfers playing one round of golf on each of four days. Is there a way for all of them to play in foursomes so that everyone gets to play with everyone else? Thanks for your consideration.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Express the HCF of 1232 and 573 as 1232x + 573y = 1 2009-02-22
Anonymous pose la question :
Express the HCF of 1232and 573 as 1232x + 573y = 1.
Victoria West lui répond.
A ¾ inch copper pipe 2009-02-22
Ray pose la question :
Hi Do you have a formula I can use for this problem? And how to use it. Thank You How many feet of ¾ inch copper pipe will it take to hold 3 gallons of water?
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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