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Find the resultant of this displacement pair 2009-02-22
katydidit pose la question :
Find the resultant of this displacement pair:
500 miles at 75 degrees east of north and 1500 miles at 20 degrees west of south.
How do I graph this and how do I solve this problem?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Surface area and scale factors 2009-02-21
tina pose la question :
the surface area of a sphere is about 86 ft (2) find the surface area of a larger sphere that has a scale factor of 4
Penny Nom lui répond.
6 golfers playing 8 rounds 2009-02-21
evan pose la question :
I have a group of 6 golfers playing 8 rounds. we would like to rotate the 3 somes so each person golfs with different people as many times as possible
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Averaging percentages 2009-02-21
Chris pose la question :
Ok I'll give you a simple example of what I'm doing. Lets say that on one forum, a memebr has made 52 posts out of the 412 posts made altogether. Then on another forum, the same person has made 10 posts out of the 60 posts altogether. What percentage of the posts has this person made in these 2 fourms combined.
Robert Dawson and Harley Weston lui répond.
Find all values of 2sin4x + (Sqrt)3 = 0, in [0, 2pi] 2009-02-21
Sam pose la question :
Find all values of 2sin4x + (Sqrt)3 = 0, in [0, 2pi].
Harley Weston lui répond.
Fred in his canoe 2009-02-21
Susan pose la question :
Fred paddled for 4 hours with a 7 km/hr current to reach a campsite. The return trip against the same current took 9 hr. Find the speed of Fred's canoe in still water. (Remember to include correct units)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three people working in pairs 2009-02-21
bevaz pose la question :
A and B can together do a piece of work in 6 days, B and C together in 20 days and C and A in 7.5 days. how long will they require separately for the work?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The graph of y = -6 2009-02-21
Barb pose la question :
I was given the problem that says "graph the line y = -6" how do I find all the set points that have a y coordinate of -6? I am so lost lost and have no clue how to start. Can you help me please? thanks.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Find an expression for the nth term 2009-02-20
Dawn pose la question :
Find an expression for the nth term:

x= 1 2 3 4...n
y=11 8 5 2...?

I think it's a linear relation but don't know the equation that goes with it.

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
How long will it take Jake to catch up? 2009-02-20
Rebecca pose la question :
John is walking 2 miles per hour. Jake leaves home 15 minutes later and is walking 5 miles per hour . How long will it take Jake to catch up ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Washing the dishes 2009-02-20
rm pose la question :
a woman washing a large number of dishes after a meal was asked how many people attended the meal. she did not know but 'every two used a dish of rice between them, every three a dish for soup and every four a dish for meat, and there were 65 dishes in all.' how many people were there?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Linear systems 2009-02-20
Rose pose la question :
I have been having trouble trying to figure out these three math problems , I need help breaking them down so I could understand them better please help.
1. x = 7 - x
2 x - y + 8

2. 8 x + 5 y = 1 8 4
x - y = 3

3. y + 2 x = 3
y + 2 x = 4

I can't figure out how to break them down in the right order.

Penny Nom lui répond.
An octagonal pyramid 2009-02-20
JUDY pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
The focal point of a parabolic surface 2009-02-20
kishore pose la question :
how to find out the focal point of a parabolic surfaces
Chris Langdon lui répond.
What deminsions should my box be? 2009-02-19
Mary pose la question :
My item is 57cm x 36cm x 6cm and I want to put 20 items is 1 box. What deminsions should my box be?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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