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A 27 inch diameter octagon 2009-04-04
Gary pose la question :
I am trying to build an octagon with 27 in outside diameter, i could make it 28 if it makes the calculations easier. Anyway i need to figure out the length of each individual piece of the octagon. I have tried and i can't get it, please help

Thanks Gary

Harley Weston lui répond.
Pounds per square foot 2009-04-04
kevin pose la question :
Ineed to know the pds per sq ft of a machine that weighs 1,550 pds and measures 78.5 inches long x 32 inches wide.
Harley Weston lui répond.
How many miles per hour was it traveling? 2009-04-04
Regina pose la question :
a car traveled 16 miles in 30 minutes. How many miles per hour was it traveling?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Une multiplication 2009-04-03
josee pose la question :

le x est une multiplication et il n'y as pas de parenthèses.

Merci Josée

Antoine Letarte and Claude Tardif lui répond.
A toy pyramid 2009-04-03
Darah pose la question :
Suppose you want to build a toy pyramid with a square base and a volume of 9000 cubic centimeters. What are the dimensions of a pyramid you might design? How many such pyramid designs are there?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A large, hollow, ice cream cone 2009-04-03
Darah pose la question :
A manufacturer is making a large, hollow, ice cream cone to serve as an ad for a local Baskin-Robbins. The ice cream cone is made up of a cone with height 8 feet, topped by a hemi-sphere with radius 6 feet. How much ice cream could the hollow object hold? If a gallon is 0.13368 cubic feet, how many gallons does it hold? If 3 gallons of Baskin-Robbins heavy cream chocolate blend weighs 24 pounds, how much would the ice cream cone weigh, excluding the weight of the construction material?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Possible combinations of 2 numbers between the range 1 and 50 2009-04-03
Carl pose la question :
Hi, I think I'm right in saying that there are 1225 possible combinations of 2 numbers between the range 1 and 50?

I used the function =combin(50,2) in excel to establish this.

What I'd like to do is be able to prove this using a calculator or pen and paper.

I've searched your website, but to be honest all the algebra stuff just confuses me!

Could you explain the math without using algebra please.

(We run a tote in the office, where you pick any two numbers between 1 and 50, and if your numbers come up you win, so I'm trying to work out all the possible combinations. The same number can't be used twice either)

many thanks Carl

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Square prisms and pyramids 2009-04-03
Sheyna pose la question :
What are the differences between a square prism and a pyramid?
- Sheyna

Penny Nom lui répond.
How many feet does a shadow move per hour? 2009-04-02
Zora pose la question :
How many feet does a shadow move per hour?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Three consecutive odd integers 2009-04-02
Brian pose la question :
Find the greatest of three consecutive odd integers if the product of the second and third is 8 more than 13 times the first.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A fraction in its simplest form 2009-04-02
Michael pose la question :
I'm in 4th grade and need to express decimals as a fraction in its simplest form. Is there a step by step method to figure out?

ex 0.64 = 64/100 = ?

Robert Dawson lui répond.
Thirty-two divided by 3 2009-04-02
Shelly pose la question :
x = 32/3

x = 10 2/3 Divide 32 by 3: 32 / 3 = 10 R2.

What I don't get is why is it that 10 with a remainder of 2 ( 10 R2 ) equals 10 2/3? shouldn't it be 10 2/10 ?????

Robert Dawson lui répond.
2sin^2x-sinx=0 2009-04-02
Jose pose la question :
2sin^2x-sinx=0 and i know the answer

im just having trouble figuring out how it went from the original equation to sin(x)2sin(x)-1=0?

Harley Weston lui répond.
Sand falls from a conveyor belt 2009-04-01
Tracy pose la question :
Sand falls from a conveyor belt at the rate of 10 cubic feet per minute onto a conical pile. The radius of the base is always equal to half the pile's height. How fast is the height growing when the pile is 5ft high?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
An octagonal deck 2009-04-01
Terry pose la question :
area of octagon deck? perimeter 128ft, distance from center to any side 19ft
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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