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Fractional part 2009-04-01
Galina pose la question :
What fractional part of eight is eight hundredths
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The height of an arc at the peak 2009-04-01
Ed pose la question :
What is the term used to describe the height of an arc at the peak?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A spherical Tootsie Roll Pop 2009-04-01
Tracy pose la question :
A spherical Tootsie Roll Pop you are sucking on is giving up volume at a steady rate of .8 ml/min. How fast will the radius be decreasing when the Tootsie Roll Pop is 20 mm across?
Harley Weston lui répond.
GCD (a + b, a - b). 2009-04-01
Tomas pose la question :
Let a and b integer and relatively prime. Prove that:
GCD (a + b , a - b) = 1 or 2

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A five game average of 148 2009-04-01
Shelly pose la question :
(128 + 145 + 139 + 157 + x) divided by 5 = 148 matches the situation stated below:

A person bowled four games and scored 128, 145, 139, and 157. Find x, the score the person would need to have in the fifth game to average 148 for all five games.

How do I solve this and how am I supposed to add x like it says in the equation?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Why learn math? 2009-04-01
Uno pose la question :
I got myself in a lot of trouble today. I got into an argument in school with my math teacher because while learning geometry I said that this was useless.
I don't understand why I need to learn algebra, geometry & trigonometry. I don't see how we use this in real life and it is almost like my teachers don't know either. They say I have to learn it because... I don't think that is a good enough answer. The only way I don't get suspended is if I can come up with real world applications of why we learn math.

I need help... I am already in deep trouble with my parents. Any resources on how learning a proof is used in real life?

Claude Tardif and Harley Weston lui répond.
Leading terms and leading coefficients 2009-03-31
Susan pose la question :
Write the polynomial P(x)=x^3-3x^4+17x+11-4/3x^2 in descending order. Identify the leading term and the leading coefficient.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Square feet and acres 2009-03-31
ROZELL pose la question :
how much land is 660'x400' also how many feet in one hundred acres
Harley Weston lui répond.
310,000 cubic yards of concrete 2009-03-31
Mary pose la question :
I am interested in getting a good, general analogy for 310,000 cubic yards of concrete - ideally as a length (miles) or distance between two US cities. Thanks!
Penny Nom lui répond.
A 25 team league 2009-03-31
brad pose la question :
25 teams are in a league in which each team plays everybody once how many games must be scheduled ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The length of a ladder 2009-03-30
Susan pose la question :
The foot of an extension ladder is 7 ft. from a wall. The height that the ladder reaches on the wall and the length of the ladder are consecutive integers. How long is the ladder?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Four identical lots 2009-03-30
Marina pose la question :
I really want to know the answer to this problem for my 6th grade son. I've already sent this question with the drawing but I couldn't send it correctly. I hope this one will pass through. Q: Divide evenly and identical the figure representing a lot, into four for the 4 siblings. I've sent a figure drawing as attachment. I will describe this in case it will not reach you: its a square divide into 4 triangle and 1 triangle is taken out living a letter M figure and this letter M figure is the one that will be divided.into 4 even and identical parts.


Claude Tardif lui répond.
More on the square root of 0.75 2009-03-30
Blaine pose la question :
I read your response to How is the square root of 3/4 is greater than 3/4?

What I'm hoping for is a way for my students to use their own experience and number intuition to be able to make sense of the issue. As soon as my kids see "if y is this and x is this then..." their little eyes glaze over. Unfortunately, I can't come up with a way myself. Thank you for your help.
Penny Nom and stephen La Rocque lui répond.

Grain of rice on a chess board 2009-03-30
andy pose la question :
Is there an easy way for my students to find out 8 to the power of 21 to solve the grains of rice doubling investigation on a chessboard? Any suggestions welcome. Thanks very much
Robert Dawson and Claude Tardif lui répond.
A circle tangent to the X-axis 2009-03-29
Kiera pose la question :
Find an equation of the circle that satisfies the stated conditions.

Center C(4,-1), tangent to the x-axis

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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