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The dimensions of a toy chest 2009-05-07
charlotta pose la question :
My son needs to find the 3 dimensions of a toy chest that has to have a volume of 24 cubic feet can you show how to get the answer
Penny Nom lui répond.
Combinations and permutations 2009-05-07
Renee pose la question :
We are trying to figure out the equation or how to solve the problem of how many combinations of 4 digits you can get out of 0-9 without repeating the numbers in a set (i.e., no 0001, 0002) begining with 0123, 0124, 0125 etc Thanks!
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Area and perimeter 2009-05-07
Kelly pose la question :
Why do objects w/ the same exterior linear feet have different interior sq ft? I.e. a 25x25 room has 625 sqft while a 20x30 room has only 600 sqft? I can visualize that by cutting and moving parts of the rectangle, you loose a 5x5 section, but I just can't get my head around why.
Robert Dawson and Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Perpendicular lines 2009-05-07
shabnam pose la question :
the line presented by y= 3x-2 and a line perpendicular to it intersect at R(1,1). Determine the equation of the perpendicular line
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A discount on a charter plane 2009-05-06
karen pose la question :
a charter plane company advertises that it will provide a plane for a fare of $60. if your party is twenty or less and all passengers will receive a discount of $2 per person if the party is greater than 20. what number of passengers will maximize revenue for the company
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
How many eighths are there in 1.25? 2009-05-06
Tamara pose la question :
How many eighths are there in 1.25?
Penny Nom lui répond.
I need help with geometry 2009-05-06
Willena pose la question :
I have problems in math, but love it all at the same time. i am currently taking geometry and need help in this area of math as well as all basics to completely understand the subject in general. What i would like to know is how can i improve this, very much needed, skill and as well as understand it?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
What was her rate of speed? 2009-05-06
Stephanie pose la question :
beth paddled a canoe to a picnic spot in the river in 2 hours. she traveled up the stream back to the original spot in three hours. the current was two miles per hour. What was her rate of speed?
Robert Dawson and Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A car loan 2009-05-06
Cindy pose la question :
A person takes out a car loan in the amount of $11,170.00 @ 4.5% interest. The person makes 17 payments of $500.00, then for the 18th payment (this person 'finds' some $) and pays off the whole thing. How much was their last (18th) payment? How much overall did they pay in principle? and interest?

The person who made the initial loan then takes $11,156.25 and places it into a High Interest Savings Account @ 2.25% annually on Nov 18, 2003. How much is now in the High Interest Savings Account if no futher funds have been added to the account and no withdrawls have been made?

Thanks for your help with this. I have been trying on and off for 3 years to figure this out.


Robert Dawson lui répond.
8.55 acre of land 2009-05-06
Mary pose la question :
I have a deed with 8.55 acre of land, how much land is that .55 ?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
-5^2= -25 2009-05-06
tracy pose la question :
show how to perform this calculation and why -5^2= -25
Robert Dawson lui répond.
3h+10 divided by 2 +9=20 2009-05-05
CJ pose la question :
what is the solution for the equation 3h+10 divided by 2 +9=20
Penny Nom lui répond.
4cos^2 (3x) + 3sin (3x) = 1 2009-05-05
Cheryl pose la question :
Find all solutions of the following equation and show how to do this algebraically. 4cos^2 (3x) + 3sin (3x) = 1
Harley Weston lui répond.
WHAT IS 8+4(22-7) 2009-05-05
ROB pose la question :
WHAT IS 8+4(22-7)=
Penny Nom lui répond.
A quadratic equation with roots (4-i) and (4+i) 2009-05-05
Kelly pose la question :
find a quadratic equation with roots (4-i) and (4+i)
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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