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Rolling a six on the sixth roll 2009-05-04
Scott pose la question :
What are the odds of rolling a die 6 times in a row and rolling a 6 only on the 6th try, but not any other time? And how is this calculated?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Practical trigonometry 2009-05-04
Lori pose la question :
I am an ex-math major turned home-schooling parent. I would desperately like to find a word-problem based trigonometry book for my 17-year old son. I don't want graphing or other gobbledy-gook that he'll never use. Does such a thing exist?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A hexagon inside a triangle 2009-05-03
Brian pose la question :
How do you figure out the area of an equilateral triangle with only the clue of a regular hexagon perfectly inside it (no boarders) and the only thing you know about the hexagon is it has an area of 12cm^2?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Mean 2009-05-02
debra pose la question :
a hot dog sales per week monday, 100 = tuesday,87 = wednesday, 95 = thursday, 125 = friday, 210 = saturday, 250 = sunday, 57 = what is the mean sales per day?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Mixing drinks 2009-05-02
samantha pose la question :
If Steven can mix 20 drinks in 5 minutes, Sue can mix 20 drinks in 10 minutes and Jack can mix 20 drinks in 15 minutes. How much time will it take all 3of them working together to mix the 20 drinks?
Stephen La Rocque and Claude Tardif lui répond.
A 6 team social softball league 2009-05-02
Don pose la question :
Hi We have a 6 team social softball league with only two fields. Each team plays two games each Saturday. We have three time slots 10:00, 12:00 and 2:00 We play for 11 Saturdays and than have a 2 weekend playoff. All teams prefer double headers vs the split at 10:00and 2:00. How do we schedule as balanced a schedule as possible and minmize the splits ? Thanks Don
Laura Morrison and Victoria West lui répond.
Game of 24 2009-05-02
Barbara pose la question :
using the numbers 1,3 7 and 9 only once how do you get the answer of 24
Claude Tardif lui répond.
How do you convert 1248 to base 6? 2009-05-02
Tamara pose la question :
How do you convert 1248 to base 6?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Stairway construction 2009-05-02
Olivia pose la question :
Hi, I'm Olivia and I'm in 8th grade studying algebra 1. I'm having some trouble with my math project. It has to do with rules of stairway construction. It says that there are two generally accepted rules to building stairs. Rule 1: x+y=43 and x+y=46 (cm) Rule 2: 2y+x=61 and 2y+x=64 (y is the riser and x is the tread length) I cant figure out how to graph them...it says they're supposed to intersect to make a square which is like the safety zone for building stairs (the stairs' rise and tread lengths are plotted as points) any points outside of that square are considered unsafe. Did i explain it ok? Thanks for your help. --olivia
Penny Nom lui répond.
Fractions of fractions 2009-05-02
Sonya pose la question :
9/10 of the students came to school today and 8/9 of the students brought their lunches how many students brought their lunches?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Rectangular prisms 2009-05-01
deborah pose la question :
Could you please tell me some examples of different objects in the real world of rectangular prisms?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Decimeters and centimeters 2009-04-30
Jeannette pose la question :
I cannot convert because of a question that throws me off. For example, A mother African elephant avg's 250 dm in height. A newborn baby African elephant avg's 89cm in height. How many cm shorter is the baby African elephant than its mother? Which one do I convert first? in order to subtract the number from the baby?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Permutations 2009-04-30
Evan pose la question :
There are 24 possible combinations of the numbers 1 through 4, and 5 times that many combinations of the numbers 1 through 5. Are there 144 (6x24) possible combinations of 1 through 6? Or is it 6x5x24? Is there a formula for determining this? Thanks, Evan
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of 3-D figures 2009-04-29
Serena pose la question :
What is the formula for finding the volume of 3-D figures
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Eight golfers, four days 2009-04-28
Billy pose la question :
A golf Pairing question:

8 Golfers are Playing golf - one round per day
Four days of golf
(four twosomes) are paired each day to play
***No one can play with the same partner more than once
***Everyone must play with every other golfer in his foursome at least once

Is this possible?

Robert Dawson lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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