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A gravel pile in my driveway 2009-05-13
Dean pose la question :
The only place I have to deliver gravel is in my driveway. The driveway is 16 ft wide by 18 ft long. How much gravel can I order as to not exceed the boundaries of my driveway when the truck dumps the gravel onto my driveway? I am assuming the angle of repose comes into play when calculating this elliptical pile? The maximum amount of gravel I need is 12 cubic yards.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A reward and a fine 2009-05-12
garth pose la question :
A maths teacher promised a learner that she would pay him R8 for each problem solved correctly, but she would fine him R5 every incorrect solution. At the end of 26 problems neither owed any money to the other. How many problems did the learner solve correctly?
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
Finding an Array to an Integer Linear Programming Problem 2009-05-12
Debbie pose la question :
how to make an array for 3 box of juice for 25 students and 2 teacher. 1 pack of juices hols 3boxes the answer is 9 packages but how do you make array for this
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
The volume of an egg 2009-05-12
Dylan pose la question :
What formula do you use to calculate the volume of an egg?
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
16 teams, 15 weeks, would like to pair up with no repeats. 2009-05-12
Kimberly pose la question :
16 teams, 15 weeks, would like to pair up with no repeats. Thank you so very much.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Solve -1<5-2x<10 for x 2009-05-12
Helen pose la question :
solve the following inequality for x
-1<5-2x<10 Te less then sign by the one, should be less then or equal to.

Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
differentiate y sin[x^2]=x sin[y^2] 2009-05-11
mamiriri pose la question :
derivate y sin[x^2]=x sin[y^2]
Harley Weston lui répond.
7 digit combinations 2009-05-11
CAROL pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
Maximum profit 2009-05-11
Sally pose la question :
a manufacturer of dresses charges $90 per dress up to 100 units and the average production cost is $60 per dress. to encourage larger orders the company will drop the price per dress by .10 for orders in excess of 100. I need to find the largest order the company should allow with the special discount to realize maximum profit.
Harley Weston lui répond.
A six sided pyramid 2009-05-11
Karen pose la question :
I am going to make my kids a six sided tipi (pyramid) I have a 5 foot tall central pole, and I would like the floor area to be 6 feet across. How do I work out what size to cut each fabric panel to make this happen?
Harley Weston lui répond.
The hypotenuse of a right angled triangle 2009-05-11
Deb pose la question :
Find the length of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle with one leg 7 cm longer than the other and the hypotenuse 2 cm longer than the longer leg. I've ended up with the hypotenuse = x+9, another side = x and the other side = x+7. what do i do next?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Unit Conversion for Force and Mass 2009-05-08
Ray pose la question :
Good Day! I was confused about lbm and lbf and slug. I knew that lbm is a unit for mass and lbf is a unit for weight. my problem is some books follow this relationship where lbf=(lbm times the gravitational pull) which is 32.2 ft/(s^2) while other books treat lbm=lbf. other books also treat lbm=(lbf times 32.2)... which is correct? Is 1kg=2.205 lbm or 1kg=2.205lbf? Is 1BTU=778.16 lbf-ft or 1BTU=778.16 lbm-ft? what is the relationship of slug on these two, lbm and lbf?
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Cubic feet and cubic yards 2009-05-08
TJ pose la question :
21 bags at 2 cubic feet per bag. How many yards would that be?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Six teams, two sites, and four days 2009-05-08
John pose la question :
I have six teams, two sites, and four days. We have decided that we want to have tri-meets, where there would be three teams competing against each other at the same site each day. Here is the problem, I need to make sure that each team sees each other team at least once and each team goes to each site at least once.
Victoria West lui répond.
A number sequence 2009-05-08
alicia pose la question :
what is the next number 1,2,6,42,1806------? is it 1954?
Robert Dawson, Chris Fisher, Penny Nom and Claude Tardif lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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