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A number puzzle 2009-05-17
Gita pose la question :
Ok, we really need help for a homework problem due on Monday morning
I've been trying for 2 hours and can't figure it out---if I can't I'm not sure
how my son can....We've been given a puzzle with the following rules:
--The sum of each side must equal 15
--We can only use the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8
--A number can be used only once
(Hint: Think of all combinations of 3 numbers = 15)
--The puzzle looks like this:

_____ _______ ______

_____               ______

_____ _______ ______

Penny Nom lui répond.
Angles in a triangle 2009-05-16
Robert pose la question :
The second angle of a triangle is twice the sizee of the first angle, the third angle is 48 degrees less than the sum of the other two angles. What are the measurements of all 3 angles? PS: please help
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Hens and roosters 2009-05-16
Rogerson pose la question :
In a certain poultry farm, the ratio of the number of hens to roosters is 3:5. If 15 new roosters are added, a third of the farm will be compose of hens. Find the original number of chickens.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Two Boats 2009-05-16
Simon pose la question :
Two boats, one travelling towards the east and the other travelling towards the north, are 10 km apart afetr an hour. If the speed of one boat is 2 more than the speed of the other boat, what is the speed of the faster boat?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
|1/(x+1)| <1 2009-05-16
Nazrul pose la question :
What is the solution of absolute value of (1/(x+1))<1? Please explain.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A geometric progression 2009-05-16
sweta pose la question :
find the ratio of GP if the first term is 1 and the sum of third and fifth term is 90.
Penny Nom lui répond.
An afternoon at the races 2009-05-15
garths pose la question :
A professional gambler was betting at a horse racing afternoon.
At the end of the first race he had doubled his money.
He bet R30 on the second race and tripled the money he came with.
He bet 54 on the third race and quadrupled (4 times) the money he came with.
He bet R72 on the fourth race and lost it all. But he still had R48 left.
How much money did he take to the race track?

Harley Weston lui répond.
5 spades 2009-05-15
Dee pose la question :
From a standard deck of 52 cards, how many cards would you have to draw, without looking at them , to be absolutely certain (a probability of 1) that you had 5 spades?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Range and Domain of a Star 2009-05-14
Larry pose la question :
I am an old teacher trying to help my grandson. He has to draw a structure to scale and then determine the function, domain and range. One line on the structure is from (0,8) to (-8,-4). I used the intercept method and found the function to by y=1.5x +8 (I think) but can't find the range and domain) Thanks
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Finding Height of a Triangle Given Area and Base 2009-05-14
theodore pose la question :
area of a triangle is 40 in ^2 and base is 4 in what is the height
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Formula for Volume and Weight of Water in Pipe 2009-05-14
Jonathan pose la question :
Do you have a formula for the amount of water that would be in a 12" schedule forty pipe in gal at any one time. The piping system will be under pressure but I need to know the overall weight of a single 20' stick of pipe so that I can determine my spacing for my concrete support inserts. Thanks.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Ladder Leaning on a Wall 2009-05-14
clinton pose la question :
a ladder rests against a wall 24m high.the foot of the ladder is 7m from the foot of the wall. How do you calculate the length of the ladder
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Cubic Feet for Around a Pool 2009-05-14
Traci pose la question :
I have a pool that is 24 ft round. I want to put a trim of 2 inch deep and 1 foot wide white rock around the outside. My problem is that here you can only purchase the rock in bags of either 0.5 cu ft or 1 cu ft. How do I figure out how many bags i will need to do this right?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Fraction Word Problem 2009-05-13
Sonya pose la question :
Debbie wants to eat 1/6 of her 12 pieces of candy. How many pieces did she eat ?
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Rewriting an Expression with Positive Exponents 2009-05-13
lynda pose la question :
(-4x)to the 0 power times x squared over 3to the -3 power i have to rewrite the expression with pos exponents
Janice Cotcher lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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