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2.5 acres 2009-06-16
Debbie pose la question :
I just purchased 2.5 acres but must sever it myself. She sold me 2.5 acres, equal on all sides. How many feet on each side?
Penny Nom lui répond.
You have the numbers 1 through 8, ... 2009-06-15
Maryland pose la question :
You have the numbers 1 through 8, you can only use each number one time. Two of the numbers are multiplied together, two are subtracted, two more are subtracted and the last two are subtracted. All the answers are the same.
Can't get it, I have racked my brain trying to help.

Claude Tardif lui répond.
nC0 + nC1 + nC2 + ... + nCn = 2^n 2009-06-15
Chinonyerem pose la question :
For n >= 1, derive the identity
nC0 + nC1 + nC2 + ... + nCn = 2^n
[Hint: Let a = b = 1 in the binomial theorem]

Penny Nom lui répond.
11 golfers playing 4 rounds 2009-06-14
Brian pose la question :
I have 11 golfers playing 4 rounds of golf. It would be great if we could play at least once with everybody. I realize we will have 2 foursomes and 1 threesome each round...can you help?
Victoria West lui répond.
Averaging percentages 2009-06-14
Alan pose la question :
Can you add percentages and then divide them by the number of percentages to get the average percentage. I.E day 1 100% day 2 100% day 3 95% average= 98.3%

is the above possible or is it not done, I have a dispute with a work colleague over this.

many thanks

Harley Weston lui répond.
Number & Operation Puzzle 2009-06-12
Francine pose la question :
How can I get the number 26 using 1,2,3,4,&5 and using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Each operator and digit must be used exactly once. My son presented me this question and I can't determine if it's even possible.
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Volume of a Can 2009-06-12
Zach pose la question :
A can of soda has a volume of 355 mL. The area of a circle is given as A=pieR2, where r= radius of the circle. So, the volume of the can is given by V=(pier2)h, where h is the height of the can. If a particular can has a height of 12.2 cm what is the radius of the can? I know the answer is 3.04 cm. I need help figuring out how to arrive at this answer- what were the mathmatical steps? Thanks, Zach
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The radius of an arc 2009-06-12
Billy pose la question :
I have tried using the formula 4h2(squared)plus L2(squared)divided by 8h to find the radius of an arc, but I must be doing something wrong since I keep getting the wrong answer. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong. The height is 37.75 in. and the length is 18.875 in. Thank you for any help you can give me.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The last non cero digit of a factorial 2009-06-12
Wilson pose la question :
How can I find the last non cero digit from a factorial calculation of a big number. For example 10! = 3628800, the last non cero digit is 8. What is the last non cero digit of 10! ??
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The product of gradients between 2 perpendiculars lines 2009-06-11
Alister pose la question :
how do i prove that the product of gradients between 2 perpendiculars lines equal to -1....
Penny Nom lui répond.
A rotating schedule 2009-06-10
Doreen pose la question :
We have seven people - we want to create a rotating schedule for two people at a time to attend one day a week with each person working the same amount of days in the year.
Victoria West lui répond.
A number puzzle 2009-06-10
Ann pose la question :
    I have a math problem that I can't solve which just happens to be a "must-answer". The answer to the first problem is 25,452 and the second is 21,232. I know how to add but my teacher said that there is a pattern wherein you just have to look at the set of numbers and you already know the answer without really adding it first.  Here are the condition of the problem:
   1) the first, second and fourth numbers were provided by me. ( I have no idea how this works)
   2) the third and the fifth numbers were given by the teacher. ( She's the one who knows the technique)

# She says that there is a "pattern."
 Help me please as soon as you can. Thanks!!! Here it is:
         5454                                   1234
   +    3636                                   5678
         6363                                    4321
         2323                                    8765
         7676                                    1234
       _______                           _________
Please answer ASAP. Thank you!!!

Penny Nom lui répond.
Unit Price 2009-06-08
MATTHEW pose la question :
Question from Matt: I quoted my customer $112.50 per 1,000 sheets per linear yards. My client said I was to high. I need to be at 18 cents per square inch. If I matched his 18 cents per square ines what would my linear yards per 1,000 sheets price be? It comes on a 12.5 inch roll.
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Real World Applications of Mathematical Skills 2009-06-08
Kathy pose la question :
I am teaching a student who is on the life skills program and is at the stage 2 level for maths but is in year 9 (stage 3). I am looking for maths lessons that will help her in life. Like maths in shopping, maths in fashion, maths in the home etc. Your help in finding lesson plans is urgently needed.
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Vectors and the Law of Cosine 2009-06-08
lauren pose la question :
once force of 20 pounds and one force of 15 pounds act on a body at the same point so that the resultant force is 19 pounds. Find, to the nearest degree, the angle between the two original forces
Janice Cotcher lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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