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Cubic yards in an Irregular Shape 2009-06-08
ron pose la question :
hi i have a berm 100'w x200'L at the base and 9'tall the top is 85'L x 20'w i would to find out how many cubic yards are in the pile and the formula
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Number of Ways to Fail an Exam 2009-06-08
shipra pose la question :
In an Exam having 9 papers, a candidate is unsucessful if he fails in more number of papers than the number of papers he passes.So in how many ways can he be unsucessful?
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Initial Velocity of a Car Plunging Off a Cliff 2009-06-07
Mimi pose la question :
A car fails to take a sharp turn on a flat road and plunges off a cliff. The car lands 65m horizontally and 43m vertically from where it left the edge of the cliff. How fast was the car travelling?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Ground Velocity of an Aircraft 2009-06-07
Anna pose la question :
An aircraft is flying at 180km/hr and there is a northerly wind of 35km/hr. The pilot steers the aircraft at an angle of 40 degree east of north. Which direction (in degrees east of north) is the aircraft travelling over the ground?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Probability of Two Independent Events 2009-06-07
Sharon pose la question :
A basketball player is given 2 freeshots, if the probability of making 1 of the 2 shots is 3/4 what is the probability of making 2 of the 2 shots or both shots?
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Apparent Weight in salt water 2009-06-06
Rob pose la question :
If an object weighs 100kg in air how much will it weigh when suspended in salt water? Is there an easily used conversion calculation?
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Possible Values of a Base of a Logarithm 2009-06-05
nazrul pose la question :
If log base x of 25=2 then what is the value of x? I am confused if the result be 5 or -5. Please explain. Thank you.
Robert J. Dawson lui répond.
Properties of Inequality 2009-06-05
Nazrul pose la question :
We know that if a>b then (1/a)<(1/b) But why 5> -2 implies (1/5)>(1/-2) . Thank you in advance for your help.
Robert J. Dawson lui répond.
Linear feet into Square feet 2009-06-04
Vickie pose la question :
Hoe do I change 10 linear feet into square feet?
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Solving an Algebraeic Equation with Fractions 2009-06-04
olivia pose la question :
solve for x (3x-1)/4 + (x+3)/6 = 3
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
How long are the rafters? 2009-06-03
Tina pose la question :
An architect designs a house that is 12 m wide. The rafters holding up the roof are equal in length and meet at an angle of 70 degrees. The rafters extend 0.3 m beyond the supporting wall. How long are the rafters?
Penny Nom lui répond.
All permutations of 1 - 5 2009-06-03
chris pose la question :
i need a list of 5 digit number combos using numbers 1-5
Penny Nom lui répond.
At what speed does an automobile start to hydroplane? 2009-06-03
Don pose la question :
How do you figure at what speed does an automobile start to hydroplane when driving on a wet surface.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Omega 1 2009-06-03
Justin pose la question :
Hello there, I was just wondering if the infinity in the extended real number system is the same as w1 (or Omega 1, the order structure of the real numbers) in the transfinite ordinals? Thanks so much for your help with this question, I really appreciate it!



Robert Dawson and Harley Weston lui répond.
An aeroplane flying in a wind 2009-06-02
Maria pose la question :
The aeroplane flies in a wind of speed 50 kph from the direction S80◦W. However, the direction in which it is pointed, and its speed in still air, are such that its resultant speed and direction are 800 kph, and direction N71.6◦E

I need to find the size of the angle between v and vw, in degrees to one decimal place, and find the speed at which the aeroplane would fly if the air were still, to the nearest kph.

It would help me greatly if I could see a diagram illustrating the velocity va that the aeroplane would have if the air were still, the velocity vw of the wind, and the resultant velocity v of the aeroplane (diagram should be in the form of a triangle illustrating how one velocity vector is the sum of the other two)


Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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