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Prove that the set of all positive odd integers is an infinite set 2009-06-20
Nazrul pose la question :
How can I prove that the set of all positive odd integers is an infinite set.
Thank you in advance.

Victoria West lui répond.
What is 3 trillion divided by 3 billion? 2009-06-18
Dianna pose la question :
What is 3 trillion divided by 3 billion?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Maximum Volume of a Cylinder Inscribed in a Sphere 2009-06-18
Jim pose la question :
Hello I have a hard time finishing this question: A right circular cylinder has to be designed to sit inside a sphere of radius 6 meters so that each top and bottom of the cylinder touches the sphere along its complete circular edge. What are the dimensions of the cylinder of max volume and what is the volume?
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Mowing 17 lawns 2009-06-18
kevin pose la question :
I need help setting up a equation to solve the following question: If a gardener can mow 3 lawns in 7 hours, how long should it take him to mow 17 lawns. I can solve the problem, but I don't know how to set up the equation.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two questions from math class 2009-06-18
Con pose la question :

My name is Con and my son is required to answer the following questions for his maths class.

He has attempted Q1 through trial and error and has found the answer to 72453. Is this correct?

He has attempted to draw the triangles described in Q2 in a number of ways and has found that BE can not equal ED and is dependent of angle BAC. Therefore, he claims that the triangle can not be drawn/practical. Is this correct or is there a slolution?

Digits 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 are each used once to compose a 5-digit number abcde such that 4 divides a 3-digit number abc, 5 divides a 3-digit number bcd and 3 divides a 3-digit number cde. Find the 5-digit number abcde.

Let ABC be a triangle with AB=AC. D is a point on AC such that BC=BD. E is a point on AB such that BE = ED = AD. Find the size of the angle EAD. Con

Chris Fisher lui répond.
The integral of x^x 2009-06-18
ANGIKAR pose la question :
what would be the integration of (X^Xdx)?

give answer in details.

Robert Dawson and Harley Weston lui répond.
Successive differences 2009-06-18
Jonathan pose la question :
I'm trying to find the next number sequence for this equation: 1 11 35 79 149 251, my problem is that I worked it out and ended up with a single number 17. What am I doing wrong. Thank you for any help.
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
Thermal Expansion of Steel 2009-06-17
Ken pose la question :
Hi there, We are rollforming steel roofsheeting in 65M lengths and the = question of linear expansion has cropped up.I would like to know what = the expansion rate of this sheet would be over a temperature rise of say = 40degree F.in mm per Meter or whatever the norm is. The sheet is 0.53mm = thick and is 700mm in width,I hope this is sufficient info to enable you = to do your calculation.Many thanks, in anticipation. Ken
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Divisibility 2009-06-17
Sophia pose la question :
Please help my son with the solutions to the following:

a) Determine the remainder when 2^2009 + 1 is divided by 17;
b) Prove that 30^99 + 61^100 is divisible by 31;
c) It is known that numbers p and 8p^2+1 are primes. Find p.

Again, your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Robert Dawson lui répond.
The smallest 4 digit number 2009-06-17
Kat pose la question :
What is the smallest 4 digit number? 0001 or 1000
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A difference quotient 2009-06-17
Sue pose la question :
When s(x)=x^3+x, compute and simplify the difference quotient s(x+h)-s(x)/h.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Completing the square 2009-06-16
rebecca pose la question :
Find the roots of the equation by Completing the square. Express your answer in exact form and in decimal form to 2 decimal places.
a) x(squared)+10x+23

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Factoring a quadratic 2009-06-16
Rebecca pose la question :
solve the quadratic equation by factoring.
a) x(squared)+7x+10=0

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Triangular Numbers 2009-06-16
Chinonyerem pose la question :
Question from Chinonyerem, a student:

Each of the numbers
1 = 1, 3 = 1+2, 6 = 1+2+3, 10 = 1+2+3+4 ,...
represents the number of dots that can be arranged evenly in an equilateral
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This led the ancient Greeks to call a number TRIANGULAR if it is the
sum of consecutive integers, beginning with 1. Prove the following facts
concerning triangular numbers:
(a) A number is triangular if and only if it is of the form n(n+1)/2 for some n >= 1
(b) The integer n is a triangular number if and only if 8n+1 is a perfect square
(c) The sum of any two consecutive triangular numbers is a perfect square
(d) If n is a triangular number, then so are 9n+1, 25n+3, and 49n+6
Penny Nom lui répond.

Subsets 2009-06-16
Tracy pose la question :
Suppose C is the subset of D and D is the subset of C.

If n(c)=5, find n(D)

What other relationship exists between sets C and D?

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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