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Books on a shelf 2009-10-25
Julie pose la question :
a bookshelf is 36 inches long and contains (x) books each (n) inches thick. If each book half an inch thinner, the shelf would hold six more of the same book. What is x/n
Penny Nom lui répond.
Cutting a pipe at an arbitrary angle 2009-10-24
Carol pose la question :
I have read your article on cutting pipe,etc. at a 45 degree angle. I need to develop an equation and pattern for cutting any size pipe (3" to 7") to any degree. I don't understand how to transfer the wave pattern to graph paper.

Harley Weston lui répond.
A word problem 2009-10-24
Ryan pose la question :
Two times one number plus 7 times another number is equal to 17. the first number plus the second number is equal to 25. What are the two numbers? Please Help!
Penny Nom lui répond.
Four consecutive odd integers 2009-10-24
Tonya pose la question :
the sum of four consecutive odd intergers 2008 what are the intergers
Penny Nom lui répond.
What jobs use conics? 2009-10-22
denise pose la question :
i have to type a paper on what jobs use conics and i can not find anything can you help


Penny Nom lui répond.
A linear equation 2009-10-22
Ryan pose la question :
How do you convert the equation 2x-6y=7? This is on my homework and I am really stuck!!!
Penny Nom lui répond.
e^pi and pi^e 2009-10-22
Natalie pose la question :
Question from natalie, a student:

Without using your calculator, prove which is bigger: e^pi or pi^e

we talked about ad absurdum in class, so I'm assuming that is how I approach this question, but since neither of them have a variable( like the examples we actually solved in class), I'm not quite sure how to solve it....

Harley Weston lui répond.
The inverse of f(x)=-1/x^2 2009-10-22
Jasmine pose la question :
how to solve f(x)=-1/x^2 --> find f-1[x], than state if its a function
Harley Weston lui répond.
Le volume d'une boule 2009-10-22
ve.lu.ch pose la question :
Pour calculer le volume d'une boule, il faut utiliser la formule :

4/3 x Pi x R au cube

Pourquoi 4/3 ?

Merci d'avance

Pierre-Louis Gagnon et Claude Tardif lui répond.
Forming a square 2009-10-21
christianah pose la question :
Two parallel lines have the equations y=x+4 and y=x-2.Two additional lines are drawn to form a square.What is the side length of the square?Write possible equations for the additional lines.Explain and justify your reasoning.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A sequence 2009-10-20
Alyce pose la question :
The rule of this sequence is k=1/8n. Find the 8th term of the sequence.

1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, ...

Penny Nom lui répond.
A linear system 2009-10-20
marissa pose la question :
Solve this linear system

Penny Nom lui répond.
How much fabric will I need? 2009-10-20
Coach Jones pose la question :
I have a new ideal and need to know how much fabric will I need to order.

My design is 16'6" long, 10' wide and 24" tale. How much fabric will I need for the

Top, Bottom and the Walls?


Coach Jones

Penny Nom lui répond.
A line and a circle 2009-10-19
Renson pose la question :
Determine whether the line x-2y=0 cuts,touches or fail to meet the circle x^2+y^2-8x+6y-15=0.If it touches or cuts ,find the coordinates of the point(s) of contact
Harley Weston lui répond.
The hypotenuse of a right triangle 2009-10-18
steven pose la question :
the perimeter of a right triangle is 20 cm. its area is 15 sq cm. find its hypotenuse.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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