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Factors 2009-10-30
brenden pose la question :
The numbers 3,5,7 are factors of n. Find four other factors of n besides 1
Penny Nom lui répond.
Painting a dome 2009-10-30
Jessica pose la question :
A hemispherical dome with a radius of 50 ft will be given a coat of paint .01 inch thick. The Contractor for the job wants to estimate the number of gallons of paint needed. Use a differential to obtain an estimate (231 cubic inches/gallon) HINT: Approximate the change in volume of hemisphere corresponding to increase of .01 inch in the radius.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Acreage calculation 2009-10-29
Angela pose la question :
I am appraising a small portion of property for a right of way for a new sewer line. I have appraised many similar projects in the past; however the engineer always calculated the exact acreage and/or dimensions of the parcel being taken. My survey states the following: "141 linear ft. of 25' permanent R/W. I divided the linear feet x 12 and mult. by 25 to get the square footage, but it just doesn't seem right. Any suggestions? Am I missing something?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
An irregular quadrilateral 2009-10-29
riya pose la question :
what is irregular quadrilateral?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Is it a rectangle? 2009-10-29
sefora pose la question :
The coordinates of the vertices of quadrilaterals are given. Draw each quadrilateral on a grid. Determine whether it is a rectangle (show your work)

P(5,1), Q(-4,4), R(-6,-2), S(3,-5)

Penny Nom lui répond.
A triangle problem 2009-10-28
Nazrul pose la question :
ABC is a triangle , D is the mid point of AB and DE is parallel to BC where E lies on AC. How can I prove that E is the mid point of AC.
Penny Nom lui répond.
An array 2009-10-28
felicia pose la question :
what factors are shown in the array below?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Standard deviation 2009-10-27
Reggie pose la question :
After you have computed the standard deviation of a set of 40 scores, you discover that the lowest score is in error and should be even lower. Will correcting this error affect the standard deviation?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Guess and check 2009-10-27
Eileen pose la question :
Caslin has a total of 50 red beans and green beans. If she trades 1 red bean for 4 green beans, she will have 113 green beans, how may red beans and green beans does she have?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Sarim has $1 in coins. 2009-10-27
Elizabeth pose la question :
Here is the question asked: Sarim has $1 in coins. One-fifth of the coins are dimes, two-fifteenths are nickels, and two-thirds are pennies. Tell how many of each coin he has. I am not sure how to start this problem.
Penny Nom lui répond.
How far will it travel in 45 mins? 2009-10-27
maison pose la question :
I'm stuck on the formula i dont remeber what it is can you help me out a car is traveling 80km/h how far will it travel in 45 mins
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Two non zero vectors 2009-10-27
Nazrul pose la question :
Given that a and b are two non zero vectors and ma+nb=0 where m and n are two scalars. How can I prove that m=n=0.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Density of dirt and gravel 2009-10-26
ken pose la question :
if digging a load of dirt and gravel in mining how many yards of material to the ton thanks
Penny Nom lui répond.
f(x) = |3x - 6| + 1 2009-10-26
kelsey pose la question :
find the coordinates of the vertex f(x)= l3x-6l + 1
Penny Nom lui répond.
Graphing y=(4-x^2)^5 2009-10-25
natalie pose la question :
I want to graph the curve of y=(4-x^2)^5 without using a graphing calculator. To do this, I'm suppose to find: domain, y and x intercepts, asymptotes, intervals of increase/decrease, local max/min, concavity and points of inflection. I got all the way to the step where I'm solving the concavity and I'm stuck. I found the f"(x) and it came out to be really large polynomial. I want to know how I can solve for the x of f"(x) without the use of a graphing calculator, when the polynomial has x^6 and x^8. Thank you so much, natalie
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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