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Stefan-Boltzmann Law 2009-12-28
florence pose la question :
Hi- I have a college tutor and we are stumped with this question. Assuming a filament in a 100 W light bulb acts like a perfect blackbody, what is the temperature of the hottest portion of the filament if it has a surface area of 6.3 X 10^-5 m^2? The Stefan-Boltzmann constant is 5.67 X 10-4 W/(m^2 X K^2.\ Thank you for your help. If you can only answer one question per day please answer this one and guide me through a solution.
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Elements of a Matrix 2009-12-28
peter pose la question :
I have a array of 10 by 6 I would like to know how to find the terms 11 12 and tell me de formula the array is: 23 03 01 05 03 08 02 06 03 06 24 04 08 09 04 25 13 15 05 08 26 09 19 12 06 31 22 29 16 21 31 10 24 22 15 32 34 33 27 24 32 32 25 33 30 34 35 34 31 35
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
The Snail Problem 2009-12-28
kishore pose la question :
A snail starts crawling from one end along a uniformly stretched elastic band. It crawls at a rate of 1 foot per minute. The band is initially 10 feet long and is instantaneously and uniformly stretched an additional 10 feet at the end of each minute. The snail maintains his grip on the band during the instant of each stretch. At what points in time is the snail (a) closest to the far end of the band, and (b) farthest from the far end of the band?
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Related Rates of a Cylinderical Trough with a Horizontal Axis 2009-12-26
Emily pose la question :
A cylinder is lying on it's side and being filled with water at a constant rate. Let the current height of water be t=0. When t=4, the cylinder is half full. When t=12, the cylinder is completely full. When is the rate of the height change increasing?
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Finding Density Given Volumetric Thermal Expansion Coefficient 2009-12-26
florence pose la question :
Hi- Please help me to apply the formula for this problem. The coefficient of volumetric for gold is 4.20 X 10^-5 C degrees. The density of gold is 19,300 kg/m^3 at 0.9 C degrees. What is the density of gold at 1050 degrees C. Could you please explain how to get the solution of 18,500 kg/m^3 Thank you for your help Florence
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Triangles on a base of 2.4 meters 2009-12-26
Allan pose la question :
Please,How do I calculate the height of a triangle when I only know the width of the base line,It is 2.4 mtrs.
Thankyou very much.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Truncated Octagonal Prism 2009-12-26
freitas pose la question :
the top plane of the truncated octagonal right prism is 45 degree with respect to horizontal. find the volume
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Finding Specific Heat of a Substance 2009-12-26
erin pose la question :
Hi- 2 kg metal requires 1.00 X 10^4 J of heat to raise its temperature from 20 degrees C to 40 degrees C. What is the specific heat capacity of the metal?
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
15 golfers 3 rounds fivesomes 2009-12-23
Dewey pose la question :
I have 15 golfers playing 3 rounds of golf. We will be playing in fivesomes. Any formula that has everyone playing with a different person each round?

Thank you. Dewey

Robert Dawson lui répond.
Perimeter 2009-12-23
Jalyn pose la question :
I'm doing this math project comparing measurements and I want to know the perimeter of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Please Help me!


Robert Dawson and Walter Whiteley lui répond.
triacontaèdre rhombique 2009-12-22
Paul pose la question :
Je voudrais savoir si les quatre polyèdres suivants sont le même: P1:c'est le polyèdre convexe de centre O dont les sommets (62)sont les projetés (sur la sphère de centre O et de rayon 1,i.e U), des sommets(12), des milieux des arêtes(30),et des centres des faces(20) de l'icosaèdre de Platon (de centre O);

P2::c'est le polyèdre convexe de centre O dont les sommets (62)sont les projetés (sur la sphère de centre O et de rayon 1,i.e U), des sommets(20), des milieux des arêtes(30),et des centres des faces(12) du dodécaèdre de Platon (de centre O);

P3:c'est le polyèdre convexe de centre O dont les sommets (62)sont les projetés sur U des sommets du disdyakis-triacontaèdre (dual polaire du grand rhombicosidodécaèdre)(de centre O);

P4:c'est le polyèdre convexe de centre O dont les sommets (62)sont les projetés sur U des sommets (32) et des centres des faces (30) du triacontaèdre rhombique (dual polaire de l'icosidodécaèdre) (de centre O).

Merci pour la réponse, et bonnes fêtes.

Robert Dawson and Chris Fisher lui répond.
A Lagoon, free form, inground swimming pool 2009-12-22
donna pose la question :
What is the linear footage of a 14 x 23, Lagoon, free form, inground swimming pool?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The tens digit of 0! + 1! + 2! + 3! + ... + 2000! 2009-12-21
Alicia pose la question :
What is the tens digit of 0! + 1! + 2! + 3! + ... + 2000!?
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
Figure out the square root of something 2009-12-20
eric pose la question :
is there an ez equation to figure out the square root of something?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Two percent 2009-12-20
Brian pose la question :
Hello I am having a problem figuring out something. Someone told me that .98 is the same as 2% how is this possible, how did they figure this out here is my example 929.79 x .98 = 911.19, is the same as 929.79 x 2% = 18.59, now minus the 18.59 and you will end up with 911.19, how did they convert 2% to .98, please help thgis is driving me nuts as I am not very good at math. Thank you

Warmest Regards

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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