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A triangle with two equal medians 2009-12-19
Nazrul pose la question :
If two medians of a triangle are equal , how can I prove that the triangle is isosceles.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
How much will i have saved in that year? 2009-12-18
Loretto pose la question :
If i save a penny and it doubles every day for one year how much will i have saved in that year
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Houses on a triangular field 2009-12-18
Beth pose la question :
Hi, this is the question i have to answer. Planning permission has been granted to build houses on the triangular field in the diagram. The housing density permitted is 1 house for each 200m². Calculate how many houses can be built on this


Robert Dawson lui répond.
Polygons, diagonals and the sum of the measures of the angles 2009-12-18
jason pose la question :
find the set of polygons in which the number of diagonals is greater than the sum of the measures of the angles
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A ball is thrown upwards 2009-12-17
Reuben pose la question :
A ball is h meters above the ground t seconds after it is thrown where h(t) = 40t – 5t ^2 . Find the time at which the ball first reaches a height of

(a) 10 meters
(b) 40 meters
(c) 100 meters

Harley Weston lui répond.
Maximizing the area of a rectangle 2009-12-17
rachel pose la question :
A rectangular field is to be enclosed by 400m of fence. What dimensions will give a maximum area?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The acute angle formed by intersecting lines 2009-12-17
Katie pose la question :
To the nearest tenth of a degree, find the size of the acute angle formed by the intersecting lines 3x + 2y = 12 and x - 2y = -2. Was is necessary to find the intersection point?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A pile of sand 2009-12-16
Malik pose la question :
Sand is leaking out of a hole at the bottom of a container at a rate of 90cm3/min. As it leaks out, it forms a pile in the shape of a right circular cone whose base is 30cm below the bottom of the container. The base radius is increasing at a rate of 6mm/min. If, at the instant that 600cm3 have leaked out, the radius is 12cm, find the amount of leakage when the pile touches the bottom of the container.
Harley Weston lui répond.
A trig question 2009-12-15
A trig question pose la question :
Hey, my name is Candle
I'm in academic math10 and am stuck on my trig... one question I thought I had right because i used the cosine law I got wrong and can't figure out why... here's a copy of the question. (i guessed it was D... but my teacher said it's B)

Robert Dawson lui répond.
Percentage reduction 2009-12-15
John pose la question :
Please explain how I should calculate the percentage of £676 billion reduced to £498billion
Harley Weston lui répond.
Energy in calories 2009-12-15
Josephine pose la question :
A soft drink manufacturer claims that a new diet soft drink is now "low Joule". The label indicates that the available energy per serving is 6300 J. What is the equivalent of this energy in calories? (1 Calorie=1000 cal)
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A 4 digit number 2009-12-15
Lisa pose la question :
Billy Club was assigned the task of putting numbers on all the playground balls used during daily recess. Billy will number the balls using the following rules:

1. It will be a 4-digit number.

2. The digit in the thousands place will be a 1 or a 2.

3. The digit in the hundreds place will be a 2, 4, or 6.

4. The digit in the tens place will be an odd number.

5. The digit in the ones place will be greater than six.

How many balls can Billy number if he follows these rules?

Robert Dawson lui répond.
The second derivative of y = x³ (x² + 5) 2009-12-14
Kyrie pose la question :
Find d²y/dx² for this function:

y = x³ (x² + 5)

Penny Nom lui répond.
A circle problem 2009-12-14
Fawad pose la question :
AP is a tangent at P to a circle centre O, where AP=6cm. The straight line AQC is such that QC= 9cm. Find the length, in cm of AQ.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A telephone pole on a slope 2009-12-14
Marissa pose la question :
A 10 meter telephone pole casts a 17 meter shadow directly down a slope when the angle of elevation of the sun is 42 degrees. Find the angle of elevation of the ground. Its a law of sines problem.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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