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Motorcycle markup 2010-01-12
Harold pose la question :
I went to a motorcycle dealership and saw a motorcycle costing $11,000. Dealerships have a way of marking up a product about 300%. What is the original cost of the motorcycle before the 300% markup?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Percentage increase from a negative to a positive 2010-01-12
Greg pose la question :
If a company had a net lost in 2005 of $11,234 and net income of $3231 in 2006, what is the percentage annual growth in income between the two years?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Improper fractions 2010-01-12
Blanca pose la question :
Between which two consecutive natural numbers does the improper fraction 57/56 lie?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The triangle inequality 2010-01-11
Nazrul pose la question :
If A and B are any two vectors, then how can I prove that magnitude of (A+B)<=magnitude of A+magnitude of B. Please show me the process in details. Thank you.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A proof involving real numbers 2010-01-11
Amper pose la question :
Let a,b is an element of real numbers, and suppose that for every x>0 we have a is lesser than or equal to b+x.
(a) Show that a is lesser than or equal to b.
(b) Show that it does not follow that a is lesser than b.
i'm feeling bad of having no idea with this, hope i you can help me. GRACIAS!!

Penny Nom lui répond.
How fast am I walking? 2010-01-10
KEVIN pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
Gail and Bill drove to the beach 2010-01-10
Nicole pose la question :
Gail and Bill drove to the beach at an average speed of 50mph. They return home over the same road at an average speed of 55mph. The tip took 30 min less time. How far is the beach from their house?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A set of 5 numbers 2010-01-10
Marco pose la question :
I need to generate in an Excel or other table all possible combinations for a set of 5 numbers with the following criteria:

1.- Numbers can repeat.
2.- Order does not matter.
3.- Numbers may be from 0-9
4.- The sum of all numbers is equal or less than 31.
5.- The sum of all numbers is equal or greater than 10.
6.- One of the numbers is 2.
7.- One of the numbers is 5.
8.- One of the numbers is 7.


Penny Nom lui répond.
The intervals where the function is positive and negative 2010-01-10
Ron pose la question :

I'm trying to find out the intervals where the function is positive and negative. It's for a polynomial function y= -(x+2)^2 (x-2) and y= (x+1)(x+4)(x-3)

I have tried the right and left side of each x-intercepts, but I still don't understand the results

thank you for your help

Penny Nom lui répond.
(x+3) is a factor of 2x^3-3x^2+px+30 2010-01-09
Ruby pose la question :
(x+3) is a factor of 2x^3-3x^2+px+30.
Determine the value of p

Penny Nom lui répond.
A pair of simultaneous equations 2010-01-09
Yumiko pose la question :
Solve the following pair of simultaneous equations.

x^2 -4x = y^2-4
3y=2x - 3

Penny Nom lui répond.
Factoring 2010-01-08
jim pose la question :
i am having trouble with grade 12 factoring in general, i just do not understand it, please help! here is and example of a question:
12ac+28bc-3ad-7bd and it gets tougher from there like 7a(squared)-14ab+7b(squared) any help is greatly appreciated

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The domain, range and inverse of a relation 2010-01-08
Nazrul pose la question :
Given that A={-2,-1,0,1,2}, S={(x,y): x belongs to A, y belongs to A and y^2=x}. How can I find the domain and range of the relation S. What is the inverse relation of S. Please show me the process in details. Thank you.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A sports schedule for the ymca 2010-01-08
Erich pose la question :
i have to make a sports schedule for the ymca. i have 7 teams. they need to play each other 2 times. we have 3 time slots per night. i would like them to have an even number of time slots thru the season. one team must have abye each week. can you chow mw the schedul. example time 1 team 1 vs. team 2. time 2 team 3 vs. team 4 time 3 team 5 vs. team 6. team 7 bye week 1.
Victoria West lui répond.
L'aire d'un hexagon, octagon etc 2010-01-07
danie pose la question :
C'est quoi la formule pour l'aire d'un hexagon, octagon etc. est-ce que c'est Nombre de cotes x ((L'apothem x la mesure d'un cote tout divise par 2)???
Claude Tardif lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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