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A quilt square 2010-01-07
Kimi pose la question :
A quilt square is stitched along each diagonal to make 4 right triangles. Each diagonal is 12 inches long. ( 1 foot)

How many quilt squares can be cut from a piece of fabric that is 8 feet long and 2 feet wide??

Penny Nom lui répond.
A networking event 2010-01-07
Tricia pose la question :
I have 70 people to go around to 10 tables with 7 at each table. only 6 from each table will rotate each time. There is 1 table monitor that always stays at same table. How do I make the rotation so everyone moves and gets to see all 70 people at the networking event?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The area of a sector 2010-01-07
angelkem pose la question :
how do you get the area of the circle, the sector, the shaded sector, non shaded sector and its total area if the diameter is 20 cm and each area of the circle is 45 degrees?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Cows, pigs and ducks 2010-01-06
Eileen pose la question :
There are 239 cows and pigs in a farm. The total number of cows and ducks in the farm is 767. There are 5 times as many ducks as pigs. If the farmer can sell each duck for $7.50, how much can he collect from the sale of all his ducks?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Consecutive odd intergers 2010-01-06
keyanna pose la question :
list five consecutive odd integers, starting with -3
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Dividing seashells among girls 2010-01-06
Eileen pose la question :
A group of girls collected some seashells from the beach. They tried to divided these seashells equally among them. If each girl received 8 seashells, they would need 5 more seashells. If each girl received 7 seashells, they would have 3 seashells extra. How many seashells did they collect from the beach altogether?
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
A 4 by 4 array 2010-01-06
Patricia pose la question :
Ray makes an array that has four rows of four counters. He wants to make two more arrays using the same number of counters. He wants more than one counter in each row. What two arrays can he make?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The area of a trapezoid 2010-01-06
maureen pose la question :
the question asks for the area of a trapezoid with parallel sides 5m and 6m and height of 2.5m I have done it by dividing the trapezoid into 2 triangles and reach the same answer as my manual---11.25 sq. m My question...how would you illustrate this? I read this to mean to sets of parallel sides, which would mean it is a parallelogram and not a trapezoid. Any suggestions?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A trig identity 2010-01-05
Christine pose la question :
I need help with this whole paper here is one problem

by the ^2 i mean squared pleease

Penny Nom lui répond.
A triangular pyramid 2010-01-05
ally pose la question :
how many vertices, edges, faces in a triangular pyramid?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Cutting a square into four shapes 2010-01-05
Tracy pose la question :
A square with a side of 4 ft needs to be cut into four shapes with the same area. can you find six different was to cut the square?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Dividing a number which is greater than 1 by a number that is less than 1 2010-01-05
Neda pose la question :
when dividing a number which is greater than 1 by a number that is less than 1, will the quotient be greater than or less than the dividend? Explain.
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
Holiday for 7 golfers 2010-01-05
Andy pose la question :
I am having difficulty scheduling pairings for a forthcoming Golf holiday. There are 7 players and we will be playing 7 rounds - each round will be a 3 ball and a 4 ball. I am trying to work out a schedule that means everyone plays with each other roughly the same number of times (with a minimum of, say, 3 times if possible). Also, we are looking to ensure everyone plays in roughly the same number of 3 and 4 balls. Any suggestions would be much appreciated (we leave in 10 days time). Thank you.
Victoria West lui répond.
tan x= cos 100 2010-01-04
Ruby pose la question :
Given that tan x= cos 100 and x=0-180. calculate the value of x. (All measurements in degrees)
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Using graphs 2010-01-04
Armstrong pose la question :
Given that 50 litres of kerosine costs 6000 nira. Draw a graph and read off;
A: The costs of 15 and 34 liters.
B: The number of litres that can be bought for 2300 nira.

Robert Dawson lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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