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Angle of incline 2010-01-20
Alan pose la question :
how do I fnd the angle of an incline with a measurement of 0.042 with an adjacent of 1.2mtrs?. Thank You
Penny Nom lui répond.
Loading a headboard in a uhaul 2010-01-20
gina pose la question :
I have a uhaul 9'10" long 4"9"wide 4'7"height I have a headboard 74 inches in height would it fit the box diagonally
Penny Nom lui répond.
The average over two semesters 2010-01-20
edy pose la question :
6 courses have an average of 100 in the first semester 5courses have an average of 90 in the second semester what is the average of the two semester , method of calculation , how come to have 95.4545
Penny Nom lui répond.
Area in square meters 2010-01-20
Carla pose la question :
A football field is 120 yd long and 50 yd wide. What is the area of the football field, in square meters?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How long will it take to go 1 mile at 80 mph? 2010-01-19
Susann pose la question :
How long will it take to go 1 mile at 80 mph?
Penny Nom lui répond.
divide the product of 'x' and '3y' by '2z' 2010-01-19
shradheya pose la question :
write all fall using variable ,number, and basic operation

1. divide the product of 'x' and '3y' by '2z'.

Penny Nom lui répond.
The length of a sidewalk 2010-01-19
Les pose la question :
I have a sidewalk 4"thick,4ft. wide,and I have 2cubic yards of concrete. What is the length of my sidewalk?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How high up the building does the ladder reach? 2010-01-19
rosenda pose la question :
A 10 meter ladder is 6 meter from the base of a building. How high up the building does the ladder reach?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The square root of a large number 2010-01-19
darlene pose la question :
I understand the simple process, like 12 is the root to 144 but what happens when the number is 42563. Without a calculator how does a person figure this out during a timed test?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Expressing the natural numbers in terms of 4 fours. 2010-01-19
Steve pose la question :
When I was studying mathematics, there were several of us that tried to express the natural numbers in terms of 4 fours. Allowing the use of any known math operation, for example n to the zeroth power is 1.Is there more info on this exercise. This was done mentally, nothing written down.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A cone circumscribed about a given hemisphere 2010-01-19
Neven pose la question :
The cone of smallest possible volume is circumscribed about a given hemisphere. What is the ratio of its height to the diameter of its base?
(G.F.Simmons, Calculus with Analytic Geometry, CH4 Applications of Derivatives)

Chris Fisher lui répond.
Setting up an algebraic equation 2010-01-18
jerry pose la question :
the 1st of 4 books has twice as many pages as the 3rd. The 2nd book has 30 pages less than the 1st. The 4th has 42 pages more than the 1st and 2nd books combined. there are 567 pages in total. How many pages are in each book.
Penny Nom lui répond.
How far apart are the two girls? 2010-01-18
benny pose la question :
Debby and john are looking up at their house from the backyard. From Debby's point of view, the top of the house is at an angle of elevation of 40 degrees From Johns point of view, directly closer to the house, it is 60 degrees. The house is 15m high. How far apart are the two girls?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Deux nombres consécutifs 2010-01-18
Janot pose la question :
Bonjour comment peut on faire pour démontrer que si deux nombres sont consécutifs, leur produit et leur somme sont premiers entre eux Merci de me mettre sur la voie , j'ai échoué avec Bezout.
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Volume d'une sphere entre 4 autres spheres 2010-01-18
Bonfils pose la question :

Je souhaiterais en fait calculer le rayon de la sphère max qui pourrait s'insérer entre 4 sphères de rayon connu. Merci par avance pour votre réponse. Sincères salutations

Chris Fisher lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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