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The difference of the two numbers 2010-02-15
Steve pose la question :
The difference of the two numbers 'abcdef ' and ' fdebca ' is divisible by 271. prove that b = d and c = e.
Claude Tardif lui répond.
The price before tax 2010-02-15
dawn pose la question :
the sale tax on a cape was 6%,and total price with tax was $92.75,what was the price of the cape?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The first five terms of a sequence 2010-02-14
Joanne pose la question :
Find the first five terms of the sequences with the nth term given as follows. n^2+3n
Penny Nom lui répond.
What time did susan go to bed? 2010-02-14
Sophia pose la question :
Susan woke up at 7:42 Am to get ready for school. She slept for 10 and 1/3 hours. What time did she go to bed?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Can a line segment curve over two planes? 2010-02-14
Graham pose la question :
I am working on a math fair project. Can a line segment curve over two planes? Such as, if I had a three dimensional L bracket and I drew a line segment on it with a marker starting on the bottom of the L and had it curve around the corner and up the top, would it still be considered one line segment? Or is that two line segments? Is there a rule that a line segment can only occupy one plane? Thank you. Graham
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Substitution 2010-02-14
Izayah pose la question :
what is 3 ways to find the meeting point of y=2x+4 and 3x+y=7 by making 2 table and using a graph
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Birds and cats 2010-02-13
Sophia pose la question :
While visiting a pet store, you notice that there are only birds and cats in the cages. You can't help but wonder how many of each animal there is in the yard. But when you ask the store manager how many of each animal he has, he refuses to give a direct answer. He says there are 16 animal heads and 42 animal feet. How many birds and cats are there in the pet store? It said to show all your work. Explain in words how you found your answer. Tell why you took the steps you did to solve the problem.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Least common denominator 2010-02-13
Priscila pose la question :
3/8 + 4/5 + 7/3 + 9/10 = ?

Thank you for your assistance.


Penny Nom lui répond.
Integration of cos (x^2+y^2) dx dy 2010-02-12
anna pose la question :
How do you evaluate the integration of integration of cos (x^2+y^2) dx dy?
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Melting snow 2010-02-11
Cyndi pose la question :
How long will it take for 5 feet of snow in an area of 17 by 12 to melt at 35 degrees and cloudy.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A square corner 2010-02-11
Trevor pose la question :
I am building a new house and wish to set it out on site with the use of profile boards and string. I want to be certain it is correct in terms of squareness. I have a vague idea that the square on the hypotenuse should be equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

I get a little lost here and need some help. The building is a rectangle measuring 40x30 feet to exterior brickwork. I guess that the length of the hypotenuse should be exactly the square root of the combined squares of the two sides.

Using the above measurements could you give me calculations from nuts to soup as to the correct length of the diagonal. And what adjustments are needed if everthing is not in accord.


Robert Dawson lui répond.
The distance from a chord to an arc 2010-02-11
matt pose la question :
hello, I have to layout a radius without being able to pull from the center my radius is 3819.53 feet and i have a chord length of 275.59 feet if i broke that up into 25.05 feet sections how would i calculate the lengths from my chord to that radius?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
An isosceles triangle 2010-02-11
Kim pose la question :
I am given the length of the two legs of an isosceles triangle (8), and the base angles are 30 degrees...I am asked to find the area of the triangle with only this information
Tyler Wood lui répond.
|-3|-|-4| 2010-02-10
Nick pose la question :
I have another question. This is how i solved it and i know its suppose to be a negative.

z= |-3|-|-4|

Penny Nom lui répond.
Combining fractions 2010-02-10
Nick pose la question :
Combine the fractions

2m/t + 5/mt

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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