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7 odd numbers 2010-02-19
mike pose la question :
Hello there, Problem: find 7 odd numbers who sum is equal to 30. Hint*My professor said it's possible to add 7 odd numbers and get 30 for an answer! and he said we can use Negative and rational numbers but no decimal or fractions. So is there anyway of solving this? Please get back to ASAP! thanks.
Harley Weston and Tyler Wood lui répond.
What is the height of this box? 2010-02-19
Carol pose la question :
A rectangular box with a volume 0.75 cubic meters, Length 1.5 meters and width 0.4 meters. What is the height of this box.
Tyler Wood lui répond.
30.0 km per hour 2010-02-19
Diana pose la question :
if a car travels 30.0 km per hour, how many km will it go in 2.0 hours? How far will it go in 15 minutes?
Tyler Wood lui répond.
The vertices of an equilateral triangle 2010-02-19
Emma pose la question :
If two of the vertices of an equilateral triangle are (2,1) and (6,5), what are the two possible coordinates of the third side of the triangle? Answer in radical form.
Tyler Wood lui répond.
A code on my pedometer 2010-02-19
Jacqui pose la question :
Hi I need to break a code on my pedometer. I have only 3 digits 1 2 and 3 but need to fill a 5 digit code. I have tried to find answers but they seem to relate to if the digits are only used once. I can use them in any order and repeated as many times. How many possibilities are there and is there an easy way to run through them. Many thanks
Tyler Wood lui répond.
A prism and a pyramid 2010-02-19
Juanita pose la question :
What is the relationship between the volume of a prism and a pyramid with congruent base areas and heights?
Tyler Wood lui répond.
The perimeter of a square 2010-02-18
richard pose la question :
My question is: In yards what is the perimeter of a piece of land totaling 6.2 acres. This land is a perfect square.
Melanie Tyrer lui répond.
The equation of a circle 2010-02-18
AHMED pose la question :
find the equation to the circle with centre at the point (1,-1) and touching the straight line 5x+12y=7.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A magic square 2010-02-18
Mika pose la question :
place the integers from -5 to +10 in the magic square so that the total of each row, column, and diagonal is 10.
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Substitution method 2010-02-17
Melodie pose la question :
7x - 4y = -10
4y= x-2

Tyler Wood lui répond.
The center of a rectangular room 2010-02-16
Diana pose la question :
Consider a rectangular room, 15 feet wide, 30 feet long and 12 feet high. What is the exact distance from any of the 8 corners of the room and its geometric center? Can you write a generic formula for such a distance? And if we keep the same proportions on all dimensions, can you write an expression for the same distance as a function of the floor perimeter?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Square poles 2010-02-16
Steve pose la question :
If 1 pole=16.5', and you have an area that is 146 sq. poles, how many sqaure feet would you have? I calculate that to be 146(16.5)X146(16.5)=5,803,281 sq. feet Is that correct? I am told I need to divide by 146, which makes the answer 39,748. I do not understand why I need to divide by 146....
Penny Nom lui répond.
4-digit positive numbers 2010-02-15
marjon pose la question :
Find the sum of all the 4-digit positive numbers with no zero digit.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The dimensions of a flag 2010-02-15
dawn pose la question :
a state flag was twice as long as it was wide and had an area of 288 sq inches, what were its, dimensions

Penny Nom lui répond.
Léo a programmé sa tortue 2010-02-15
Lucas pose la question :
pouvez vous m'aidez a résoudre le problème géométrie suivant: Léo a programmé sa tortue en lui donnant les ordres suivant:execute 5 fois les instructions suivante: avance de 4 cm puis tourne a 72° a droite.Dessine le parcour de la tortue. La tortue est partie d'un point A , que lui dire pour qu'elle revinne a son point de départ?

Merci d'avance

Claude Tardif lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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