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The angle at which the road is inclined 2010-02-10
abeth pose la question :
a mountain road drops 5 m for every 22 m of road. Calculate the angle at which the road is inclined to the horizontal to the nearest degree.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The other two sides of a right angle triangle 2010-02-09
ayesha pose la question :
how to find the other two sides of right angle triangle when length of one side and angle of other side is given i.e 45
Penny Nom lui répond.
Mixed numbers and multiplication 2010-02-08
Nick pose la question :
Can you explain how this works, I have been going at it for hours and have a test friday and just cant get my head around the question
3 1\4 * 1/7 * 8

I have to express in lowest terms

Penny Nom lui répond.
Order of operations 2010-02-07
addie pose la question :
(3+10) x 10 - 8 x 4 =
Penny Nom lui répond.
A sequence 2010-02-07
Shalev pose la question :

i had a job interview yesterday. it had mathematical questions. couldn't solve 1. i m obsessed with it. please find out what the answer is..

it goes like this: 2,4,5,5,8,6,_,_,14,8

thank u very much

Claude Tardif lui répond.
23 correct out of 28 as a percentage 2010-02-05
Renay pose la question :
What is the correct way to figure a percentage like 23 correct out of 28?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A dirt berm 2010-02-05
casey pose la question :
My question is two fold. I want to build a dirt berm that is 95 feet long and 8 feet high which has a 45 degree angle on each side of the slope. My first question is how wide will the berm end up being? Second question is how many cubic yards of dirt will I need to get? Thanks!
Harley Weston lui répond.
I want to convert my glaze percents into grams 2010-02-05
linda pose la question :
I am a potter. I want to convert my glaze percents into grams. ex. 20% of 20 lbs would equal how many grams? is there a formula to figure this?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The perimeter of a semicircle 2010-02-04
Sarah pose la question :
The perimeter of a semicircle is doubled when the radius is increased by 7. Find the radius of the semicircle.
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Three digit odd numbers 2010-02-04
Rebecca pose la question :
Question from rebecca, a student:

how many three digit odd numbers can be formed using the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6 without using any digit more than once?

Tyler Wood lui répond.
Fencing a garden 2010-02-04
kris pose la question :
How many meters of fencing do i need to enclose a garden if the yard is 26 meters long and half as wide?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Bending a wire to form shapes 2010-02-04
Geraldine pose la question :
a wire bent into the shape of a square encloses an area of 25cm squared. then the same wire is cut and bent into two identical circles. what is the radius of one of the circles round to the nearest hundred
Penny Nom lui répond.
A sector of a circle 2010-02-04
trisha pose la question :
Given a circle with a radius of 6 inches. Find the area of the sector that is formed by an arc of 36 degrees. Round your answer to the nearest tenth of an inch.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Consecutive even integers 2010-02-03
cassandra pose la question :
find 2 consecutive even integers whose sum is 34

find 3 consecutive even integers such that 3 time the middle interger is 10 more than the greatest.

Tyler Wood lui répond.
Mixing oil 2010-02-03
Andrew pose la question :
A dealer wishes to produce 300 gallons of oil worth 40cents a quart. He has oil worth 36cents a quart and oil worth 52cents a quart. How many quarts of each should he mix?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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