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The base area of rectangular prism 2010-03-05
Desiree pose la question :
How do you find the base area of rectangular prism that has 4 cm by 4cm by 6cm ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
If 2 is to 55, then 6 is to ? 2010-03-04
patty pose la question :
If 2 is to 55, then 6 is to ? How do I begin to figure this out, is is an algebra formula?

Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a new parking lot 2010-03-04
nayle pose la question :
The owner of a parking lot at the beach wants to increase the parking area of the lot. If the owner increases each of the dimensions of the rectangular lot by half its original value, by what factor will the parking lot increase?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a frusta of a hexagonal based pyramid 2010-03-04
sarah pose la question :
Volume of a frusta of a hexagonal based pyramid
Penny Nom lui répond.
At what time would Joan catch Jo? 2010-03-04
Rusty pose la question :
If Jo left his house at 6:30am traveling at 5mph and Joan left the same house 7:00am traveling at 8mph, at what time would Joan catch Jo?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Lissajous curve 2010-03-03
Nikki pose la question :
I'm interested in information about a particular mathematical figure. My memory is that it is called a "liciju figure", but obviously my spelling of this is incorrect because a google search of this and it's variants has revealed nothing. I believe it's related to the Moebius strip and probably connected with radio waves. It is used as the logo for our national broadcaster (The Australian Broadcasting Corporation) and you see exactly what I'm talking about by going on their website: www.abc.net.au. I have tried contacting them directly, but have received no response in over a month now!
Harley Weston lui répond.
A related rates problem 2010-03-03
Amanda pose la question :
A circle is inscribed in a square. The circumference of the circle is increasing at a rate of 6 inches per second. As the circle expands, the square expands to maintain the tangency. Determine the rate at which the area of the region between the circle and square is changing at the moment when the cricle has an area of 25(pi) square inches.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The dimensions of a rectangle 2010-03-03
Kirsten pose la question :
A rectangle is twice as long as it is wide. Its area is 128 square meters. What are the dimensions of the rectangle?
Tyler Wood lui répond.
A diagonal of an octagon 2010-03-02
cody pose la question :
I have an octagon 3ft tall by 3ft wide. What are the lengths of the diagonal lines to the vertical and horizontal lines (b and b)?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Sketch the graphs of the following 2010-03-02
musaf pose la question :
without detailed plotting of points,sketch the graphs of the following showing relevant information on the graphs:
a) y=(x-3)2 +5

Penny Nom lui répond.
An octagon garbage storage bin 2010-03-02
sharon pose la question :
I am trying to make a octagon garbage storage bin and i need to know the measurement of the outer and iner sides i can't get them to fit together what am i doing wrong
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two adjacent rectangular dog pens 2010-03-01
Janet pose la question :
Clint is constructing two adjacent rectangular dog pens. Each pen will be three times as long as it is wide, and the pens will share a common long side. If Clint has 65 ft of fencing, what are the dimensions of each pen?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a trapezoid 2010-03-01
mariah pose la question :
the height of a trapezoid is 6 centimeters. one of the bases is three times the height, and other base is four times the height . find the area of the trapezoid
Penny Nom lui répond.
Zeros of a polynomial 2010-03-01
Gavin pose la question :
Suppose the polynomial R(x) = a_9x^9+a_8x^8+...+a_1x+a_0 has real coefficients with a_9≠0. Suppose also that R(x) has the following zeros:

Using this info, answer the following.

a. What is another zero of R(x)?
b. At most how many real zeros of R(x) are there?
c. At most how many imaginary zeros of R(x) are there?

p.s. I used _ for subscript
thanks so much

Harley Weston lui répond.
2+3 =10 and 7+2=63 and ... 2010-03-01
brenda pose la question :
if 2+3 =10 and 7+2=63 and 6+5 =66 and 8 +4 = 96 then 9+7+ ??????
its driving me crazy !!

Penny Nom, Claude tardif and Melanie Tyrer lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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