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Selecting 3 students from 16 2010-03-09
amper pose la question :
A class has 12 boys and 4 girls. If three students are selected at random from the class, what is the probability that they are all boys?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An irregular octagon 2010-03-09
Gayle pose la question :
Question from Gayle:

I am building an irregular shaped octagon wooden box.
The measurements are 291/2 inches by 211/2 inches.
Sides are 12 inches.
It will be 36 inches high.

What would the cutting angles degrees be?

Harley Weston lui répond.
A trig identity 2010-03-08
Kim pose la question :
I am having trouble proving this trig identity

(sin^2 x + 2 cos x-1) / 2+cos x - cos^2 x = 1/ (1+ sec x)

Penny Nom lui répond.
Log[f(x)] 2010-03-08
sourabh pose la question :
What is the number of solutions of the equation 9 x 2 - 18 x + 5 = 0 for x, such that the expression log10[(x+1)(x+2)] exists?
Harley Weston lui répond.
The side length of a square 2010-03-08
tara pose la question :
am trying to help my brother's daughter in maths, tomorrow she has maths exam 1. Area of sq. picture is 441 sq.cm what is the length of its side.
Penny Nom lui répond.
0.999 ^ (500) 2010-03-07
debra pose la question :
I just need to know how to solve the following problem without using a calculator: .999 ^ (500). I know the answer is .606, I just want to do it by hand since I can't use a calculator on my test.
Penny Nom and Claude Tardif lui répond.
The integral of X^3/the square root of 1-x^2 dx 2010-03-07
William pose la question :
The integral of X^3/the square root of 1-x^2 dx.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Two overlapping circles 2010-03-07
Hayden pose la question :
I have two circles of equal size. The radiuses of the circles are 30ft. The two circles are positioned 40ft apart and I need to find the area where they overlap.
Harley Weston and Tyler Wood lui répond.
Cooling 2010-03-07
Lori pose la question :
If a house is always at 20 degrees celsius. Water (tea) boils at 100 degrees celsius. 5 minutes later the tea was 70 degrees celsius. Use an equation to predict the temperature after 20 minutes.
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Prove A intersect B =X iff A = X and B = X 2010-03-06
Gloria pose la question :
how would you prove A intersect B =X iff A = X and B = X
Tyler Wood lui répond.
The line joining (3,4) and (-5,-6) 2010-03-06
Patric pose la question :
Find the condition that the point (x,y) may lie on the line joining the points (3,4) and (-5,-6)
Penny Nom lui répond.
The distance travelled by a minute hand 2010-03-06
Patric pose la question :
How much distance will the minutes hand of length 14mm of a clock cover in moving from 5 to 10?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Redwood Park and Glendale Park 2010-03-05
Shaun pose la question :
Question from Shaun, a student:

Redwood and Glendale Parks are each surrounded by 100 yards of fencing. The are of Redwood Park is 25 square yards more than the area of Glendale Park. If both parks are rectangles, what is the measurement of each rectangle?

Harley Weston lui répond.
How many people in total came to the museum that day? 2010-03-05
simon pose la question :
1354 people attended exhibition A and 1427 people attended exhibition B. 79% of people attended both exhibitions. How many people in total came to the museum that day
Penny Nom lui répond.
Standard form 2010-03-05
Laura pose la question :
How do I change 3y=4x+1 into standard Ax+By=C standard form. This is my son's schoolwork. I homeschool him. I got the answer to the problem as 3y=4x+1, but it needs to be written in standard form and I know it needs to read 4x-3y=-1, but how do I get that answer into standard form. I need to know how to explain it to him. Can you show me? Thank you so much.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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