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Decimals and fractions 2010-03-16
fay pose la question :
why do we use decimals in place of fractions in everyday life?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A quadratic equation 2010-03-15
rachelle pose la question :
under certain condition, it is found that the cost of operating an automobile as a function of speed is approximated by a quadratic equation. use the data shown below to find the function. then use the function to determine the cost of operating the automobile at 60mph.
(in miles per hour)
operating cost
per mile(in cents)
10 22
20 20
50 20

Penny Nom lui répond.
Gina's weight was 4/7 of Helen's weight 2010-03-14
Eileen pose la question :
At first, Gina's weight was 4/7 of Helen's weight. Then, Gina gained 3kg while Helen lost 6kg. They are the same weight now. What is Helen's weight now?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Repeating Decimal 2010-03-14
Gerald pose la question :
Find the 1987th digit in the decimal equivalent to 1785/9999 starting from decimal point. Can you give us a short but powerful technique in solving this problem? thanks so much..
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A red boat and a blue boat 2010-03-13
SERENA pose la question :
Two fishing boats set out at 2pm for some afternoon fishing. Both boats pulled out from the same dock heading in the same direction. The average speed of the blue boat is 30mph slower then twice the speed of the red boat. In two hours, the blue boat is 20 miles ahead of the red boat. Find the rate of the blue boat.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Arc length and Chord length 2010-03-13
Darryl pose la question :
Is there a formula to determine the chord length of an arc knowing only the arc length and the arc depth (sagitta)? I know you can't find the radius with only these two inputs, but can you find the chord length?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Constants and coefficients 2010-03-12
lourdes pose la question :
identify the coefficients, constant term(s), and like terms of the expression.
8x + 9 - 3x
17 - 2a + 5a - 1
7m - 7 + 6m - 6
-10 -15r -22r + 8

Penny Nom lui répond.
The perimeter of a rectangle 2010-03-12
makiah pose la question :
A rectangle has a perimeter of 12 meters.If each side is a whole number of meters, what are the possible dimensions for the length and width?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A 14 side well house cover 2010-03-12
Kenneth pose la question :
I am 35 yr I am wanting to build a well house cover. I'm trying to figure out how long the pieces need to be and what angle they need to be for a 4 ft dia with 14 side well house. I would love an answer but would also like to know how to figure it in the future. Thanks Kd
Harley Weston lui répond.
More on millions and billions 2010-03-11
julio pose la question :
shouldn't the thousands of millions, tens of thousands of millions, and hundreds of thousands of millions be called what they are? technically they are not billions because billions come after 999,999,999,999 . It would sound better to call the numbers by their real name when economists talk about the national deficit besides mathematics is a very precise science that doesn't admit mistakes. Or am I wrong? I know that in other countries is expressed different than here. I have this question to different people and nobody has a "logical" explanation to it. " that's the way is here in the US" does not explain any thing
Penny Nom lui répond.
Selling lettuce 2010-03-11
Mike pose la question :
Day 1 started with 80 heads of lettuce and x were sold.
Day 2 started with two times the number of heads of lettuce that was left over. Again, only x were sold.
Day 3 started with 3 times the number of lettuce from what was left over from day 2 and all was sold.
What was the # of lettuce sold on each day?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Division 2010-03-10
lucas pose la question :
bonjour je suis eleve de 6 eme je bloque sur ce petit probleme

Nat a fait une division,elle ecrit 4568=23*198,608+reste que vaut ce reste?

merci d'avance

Claude Tardif lui répond.
I want to add 4.3% 2010-03-10
Brandy pose la question :
I am trying to find out a total. I have 7,118.00 and I want to add 4.3% to that total. How do I do that.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The nth derivative of x^(n-1) log x 2010-03-10
shambodeb pose la question :
This is a successive differentiation problem by Leibnitz theorem

If y = xn-1 log x ; Proof nth derivative y(n) = (n-1)!/x

Harley Weston lui répond.
A 6m ladder is placed against a wall 2010-03-09
Trevor pose la question :
A 6m ladder is placed against a wall making a 56 degree angle with the ground. How far up the wall does the ladder reach?
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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