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Modelling the roof of a house 2010-03-23
Sandi pose la question :
This question has been haunting my dreams at night. It states the cross section of the roof of a house is modelled by the function y= -5\12|x-12|+5, where y>0 or y. Now I'm suppose to graph the function. b) Find the slope, height, length of sides, and base of the isosceles triangle. c)Explain what transformation must be applied to the graph of y=|x| to obtain the graph of y= -5\12|x-12|+5, where y>0 or y=0. 1st I put the equation into my calculator and graphed it. I got 10 for the height. We have had 2 sub teachers this past week. The first one told me the height should be 12 the other one told me 5. So I'm really confused. If I use my 10 units as height and the Pythagorean Theorem I get my sides to be 26 units the base 48 and my slope I calc to be 5/12. Both teachers are pretty sure I'm wrong and they are right but we all have different answers. Please help put this problem to rest so I can rest soundly at night. Thank you for your time.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Factorials 2010-03-23
Leah pose la question :
When should you use factorials?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
What is 8.6597 divided by two thirds? 2010-03-22
patsy pose la question :
what is 8.6597 divided by two thirds
Penny Nom lui répond.
l'orientation d'un plan dans l'espace 2010-03-22
gianno pose la question :
comment calculer l'orientation d'un plan dans l'espace
Claude Tardif lui répond.
A champagne pyramid 2010-03-22
Kathy pose la question :
I have 680 champagne glasses and my pyramid can only be 15 levels high. How many glasses need to be on each level? Is there a formula I can use?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Sand in an hourglass 2010-03-20
Luke pose la question :
Harley Weston lui répond.
A quadrilateral with 4 known sides and 1 known angle 2010-03-19
samuel pose la question :
Name: Samuel
Status: Student

I have a quadrilateral with 4 known sides and 1 known angle, and I'm trying to evaluate the other angles of my quadrilateral.

By the law of cosines, I can easily find my opposite angle (using the diagonal as a basis for the equation).

However, to find the two remaining angles, I have found no other way so far than to use the other diagonal, which can be found with the equation attached (from geometry atlas).

Is there any simpler way?

Robert Dawson and Harley Weston lui répond.
Binomial probability 2010-03-19
Rana pose la question :
According to one study, it has been claimed that 65% of all single men in Montreal would welcome a woman taking the initiative in asking for a date. You decide to challenge this study by performing a little experiment of your own. You randomly select 15 single men from around Montreal and ask them if they would be comfortable with a woman asking them out for a date. If the claim made by the study was true, what is the probability that:
a) Exactly 9 men would say yes?
b) Exactly 6 men would say no?
c) More than 11 men would say yes?
d) At most 4 men would say no?

Penny Nom lui répond.
How many zeros? 2010-03-18
jeff pose la question :
1 light yr is 6,500 billion miles, the galaxy "Andromeda" is 2,500,000 million light yrs, how many zeros are in this equation ?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Water in a culvert 2010-03-18
Chip pose la question :
Hello, I have a problem to which I know there must be an analytical solution - but as it has been 50 years since I studied math I can't remember quite how to do it!! I have a 12" round culvert in my yard that runs water all year. I would like to be able to calculate the flow through the culvert by measuring the depth of water flowing through and measuring the speed of the current. I can measure the depth and the speed, but I forget how to calculate the cross section of the flow. If you could help I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you
Penny Nom lui répond.
Factors and zeros of a polynoial 2010-03-17
Susan pose la question :
find a polynomial function of degree three with -3 as a zero of multiplicity 2 and 4 as a zero of multiplicity 1.
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Angular velocity 2010-03-17
Lindsay pose la question :
Determine the angular velocity, in radians per second, of a 14-inch car wheel, if the car is traveling at 60 miles per hour
Harley Weston lui répond.
What is the speed of the current? 2010-03-17
Carl pose la question :
If you can row 3 mph in still water and paddle 3 miles upstream and return in 3.6 hours then what is the speed of the current?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A rectangular box packed with cylinders 2010-03-16
Laura pose la question :
There is a cylinder which has a diameter of 10cm and height of 10 cm. Work out the volume of the cylinder. Then in a packed box of 20 cylinders (height of box 10cm) work out the volume inside the box that is not filled by the cylinders give your answer in terms of pi.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Metric prefixes 2010-03-16
ali pose la question :
How do you convert zectometres to yoctometres
Robert Dawson lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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