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How many CDs and videos did the store sell? 2010-03-01
dawn pose la question :
A used book store started selling CDs and videos. In the first week,the store sold 40 used CDs and videos,at 4.00 per CD and 6.00 per video.The sales for both CDs and videos totaled 180.00 she wrote a system of equations to represent the situation.Then she graph the system of equations

thanks- Dawn

Tyler Wood lui répond.
The binomial distribution 2010-02-27
Jessica pose la question :
A small mobile phone retailer has found that one of their phones has a 12% probability of being faulty and a replacement having to be provided for the customer. They have just received a trial order for 10 phones from their biggest customer who will take their business elsewhere if 20% or more items are faulty.

i) what is the probability that they will lose their biggest customer?

Penny Nom lui répond.
The hypotenuse 2010-02-27
Dannielle pose la question :
how do you find the hypotenuse if a=8 and b=6?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A 25 foot ladder reaches a window 20 feet high 2010-02-27
Tanner pose la question :
a 25 foot ladder reaches a window 20 feet high. how far is the ladder from the building? how far must the foot of the ladder be moved to lower the top of the ladder by four feet?
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Compound interest 2010-02-27
Allison pose la question :
Have $1000.00 in saving account compound annual interest rate 6% please calculate what it is worth 3 years, 5 years and 10 years?
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Proportionality 2010-02-27
Nazrul pose la question :
If a is proportional to b then how can I prove that (a^2-b^2) is proportional to ab. Please show me the process in details.
ms. Dame and Tyler Wood lui répond.
Four dots are randomly placed on an 8x8 grid 2010-02-26
bobbym pose la question :
Four dots are randomly placed on an 8x8 grid, compute the probability that no row or column contains more than one dot.
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Ordering fractions 2010-02-26
jessie pose la question :
I'm having alot of trouble with orderig fractions from least to greatest! I'm in 5th grade....and my problem is, 5/8,1/2, and 3/4
I need to know HOW to order them.........can anyone give me a simple explanation?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Ordering fractions 2010-02-26
Brianna pose la question :
I'm a seventh grader and we're learning about fractions. How would you list the numbers in order from least to greatest?
The options:
A. 9/14 , 17/28 , 11/21
B. 17/28 , 9/14 , 11/21
C. 9/14 , 11/21 , 17/28
D. 11/21 , 17/28 , 9/14

Penny Nom lui répond.
If the earth were covered completely with water 2010-02-25
don pose la question :
If the earth were covered completely with water (over Everest) how many gallons would it be??
Penny Nom lui répond.
Résolution d'une équation 2010-02-25
sellin pose la question :
Il faut que j'exprime x en fonction de m dans l'équation suivante et je n'y arrive pas: -3x + 1 = (m-1) / 2 * x + (2m + 3) / 5
Claude Tardif lui répond.
The test for some disease is 99% accurate 2010-02-24
baaba pose la question :
Assume that the test for some disease is 99% accurate. If somebody tests positive for that disease, is there a 99% chance that they have the disease?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A linear relationship 2010-02-24
Mel pose la question :
This table shows the linear relationship between an aeroplane's height (above sea level) and the outside air temperature.
h (cm) 120 340 480 600 1040

T (degrees C)

14.28 12.96 12.12 11.4 8.76
Find the gradient and vertical intercept of the function. Write the formula for T.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A mixture problem 2010-02-24
Nathan pose la question :
How many gallons of 60% solution must be added to 40 gallons of a 10% solution to produce a 20% solution?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Is 0.1234567891011.... periodic? 2010-02-23
Adriana pose la question :
0.1234567891011.......Is this fraction periodic ?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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