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The volume of a test tube 2010-05-20
Nick pose la question :
A maths question. I have a test tube (basically a cylinder but with a rounded bottom end) and the measurements are: the diameter or width of the tube is 31mm and the total length of the whole tube is 204mm. The question is:
(a) what's the volume of this test tube (rounded to the nearest cubic mm) and
(b) what's the capacity of this test tube (rounded to the nearest mL). I need to show the full mathematical workings out of the two, not just the answer. The problem is the circular bottom end of the tube, it isn't flat, that would make it rather "easy"or straightforward but this is a half-circle (like all test tubes are)!!

Penny Nom lui répond.
Percentage increase 2010-05-20
Rebecca pose la question :
Question from Rebecca:

In 2008 my land was valued at $84,000. In 2009 my land was re-valued at $235,000.00. What is the percent increase between the two values? I want to be able to express "the value was increased by x%."

Harley Weston lui répond.
A probability tree 2010-05-20
Sandy pose la question :
Children’s meals are being prepared for a large gathering. There is an equal number of chicken, hamburger, and fish meals. Each meal comes with a toy: a ball, a parachute toy, or a Frisbee. There are twice as many balls as Frisbees and an equal number of parachutes and Frisbees.

Use a probability tree to show the sample space and determine the probability that a meal consists of chicken or fish and comes with a ball as a toy.

Penny Nom lui répond.
(x+1)(x+2)(x+3)/(x+1)(x+2) 2010-05-19
Nazrul pose la question :
Simplify : (x+1)(x+2)(x+3)/(x+1)(x+2)
Which answer is correct:
(i) x+3
(ii) (x+2)^2(x+3)
Please help me.

Harley Weston lui répond.
Find the speed of the current of the river 2010-05-19
paul pose la question :
a boat travels 100 miles downstream in the same length of time it travels 50 miles upstream. if the boat's speed in still water is 30 mph find the speed of the current of the river?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A fact family 2010-05-19
PRISCILLA pose la question :
ELLIE HAS 12 BOOKS. SHE GIVES AWAY 3 BOOKS. ELLIE HAS _LEFT. _ - _ = _ _- _ = _ _+ = _ _ + _ = _
Robert Dawson lui répond.
How far am I from the starting point? 2010-05-18
jilayna pose la question :
if i walk 5 miles north, 7 miles east, and 3 miles north again.to the nearest tenth of a mile ,how far,in a straight line, am i from my starting point
Penny Nom lui répond.
A scale model of a city 2010-05-18
Briana pose la question :
Well I have to create a three dimensional city for a geometry project and it requires us to use precise scal factor and well we want to build a medium sized city but our teacher said that If we make or buildings to high our houses would look like super small compared to the tall building were trying to figure out if we were to build a medium sized city what scale factor should we use to make the houses big enough to see and design?
Walter Whiteley and Tyler Wood lui répond.
A quartic equation 2010-05-18
Austin pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many sq. ft in 2 1/2 ft x 2 1/2 ft? 2010-05-16
jim pose la question :
how many sq. ft in 2 1/2 ft x 2 1/2 ft
Penny Nom lui répond.
A conical pile of gravel 2010-05-15
Chuck pose la question :
If I have a conical pile of gravel 50 feet across at the base and a height of 65 feet and the slope of the side is approximately 60 degrees, how do I calculate the cubic yards?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
88 litres of oil in a cylinder 2010-05-15
fella pose la question :
88 litres of oil are poured into a drum 40 cm in diameter. find the depth of the oil in the drum.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The value of 1 acre 2010-05-13
Rebecca pose la question :
If 38,121 sq feet equals $19,846.58 at 75% of its current value, what would the value of 1 acre be at 100% of value?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Ratios and proportions with mixed units 2010-05-13
Kenneth pose la question :
Is it incorrect to have a proportion with numbers containing units that are not the same on both sides of the equal sign?

Here is an example: $0.07/$1.00 = ?/$0.89 is okay, but if I add a different unit (20 ounces) to one side of the equal sign but not the same unit to the other, is the proportion incorrect?

$0.07/$1.00 = ?/$0.89/20 ounces.

In order to determine the missing amount, the calculation becomes ($0.07/$1.00)/$0.89/20 ounces = $?, but is this proportion correct with the units as they are? Two dollar-units cancel leaving dollar/ounces equals $?/ounces, but is this correct?

Robert Dawson lui répond.
The circumference of a circle 2010-05-12
Morgan pose la question :
find the circumference of a circle with radius 8. im having trouble i just don't understand. thanks for your help i really do appricate it.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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