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The sum of twice a number and 6 is 8 2010-05-12
MAE pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
Sammy and his motorboat 2010-05-11
Jordan pose la question :
Sammy owns a motorboat that travels 4 miles/hour in still water. It goes 12 miles upstream and 12 miles back again (downstream) in a total of 8 hours. Find the speed of the current of the river.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The product of two consecutive even integers 2010-05-11
Terry pose la question :
The product of two consecutive even integers is 14 more than their sum. Find the integers.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Modelling an underpass 2010-05-11
Sue pose la question :
An engineer at the Ministry of Transport is creating the plans for a new road. This road will cross the path of a busy railway track so it will be necessary to built an underpass for this road. This underpass will be in the shape of a parabolic arch.

The specifications include:
-the road must be at least 10 m wide and it must have shoulders at least 2 m wide on either side of the road.
-there must be a clearance of 3 m over all areas of the road.

What quadratic equation could you use to model this bridge.

Penny Nom lui répond.
x and y intercepts 2010-05-10
connor pose la question :
im not sure how to find the x intercept in questions like



if you could show me how to find the x and the y intercepts out of this equation that would be great

thanks connor

Penny Nom lui répond.
Six numbers from 1 to 20 2010-05-10
martine pose la question :
how many different combinations can be made from numbers 1 to 20 using them only once in a six number scale
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a triangle 2010-05-10
Saeed pose la question :
Show that:
Area of triangle = half of the perimeter of the triangle times the radius of the inscribed circle !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Penny Nom lui répond.
Painting a hemispheric dome 2010-05-09
Jone pose la question :
If a hemispheric dome has a height of 20m and it take 5 gallons of paint to paint the floor, how many gallons of pain are needed to paint the inside of the dome?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The nth term 2010-05-09
Jessica pose la question :
what is the nth term of 3, 9, 19, 33, 51
please help

Walter Whiteley lui répond.
The altitude of a triangle 2010-05-08
kylie pose la question :
the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is 57 degrees 24 minutes and each of its equal sides is 375.5 feet long. find the altitude of the triangle
Penny Nom lui répond.
The dimensions of a driveway 2010-05-07
Josh pose la question :
Dave and Jane have a new rectangular driveway. The perimeter of the driveway is 168 feet. The length is 12 feet longer than three times the width. What are the dimensions of the driveway?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An angle in a triangle 2010-05-06
Morgan pose la question :
Question from Morgan, a student:

        8   t      t 8
          t    78   t
       t               t
  t                        t
t   x                       t

I'm having trouble solving for x I'm not sure where to start ( the ones in the middle of the triangle are both degrees) thanks in advance for your help i really do appreciate it
Penny Nom lui répond.

A 22 litre bag of topsoil 2010-05-06
Blanche pose la question :
I do a fair amount of gardening when the weather permits. Just wondered if anyone call tell me what a 22 litre bag of topsoil would weigh and how to convert that. My husband says 20 lbs. I say noway I think it's more. Thanks to whomever can help me. :)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Line of sight 2010-05-06
David pose la question :
I live in St. Joseph, Michigan and there is an ongoing argument regarding line-of-sight over the horizon.

Standing on a 200 foot high bluff here, people swear they can see the top of the Willis (nee Sears) Tower in Chicago, which is about 1653 feet high.

It is my contention that this is actually a "refracted reflection" and not direct-line-of-sight.

So, to settle the argument, I'd sure like some simple explanation for this, even if-and I hope not-I am incorrect.


Harley Weston lui répond.
A loop 2010-05-05
Amir pose la question :
what is loop theory in algebra?
Chris Fisher lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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