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The number of gallons of water in a basement 2010-05-23
George pose la question :
A basement with dimensions 68 ft long by 42 ft wide by 10 ft deep is flooded to the ceiling calculate the number of gallons of water in the basement. 70
Penny Nom lui répond.
Which values of x satisfy (x-2) / (x+4) <7 2010-05-23
Rocco pose la question :
Which values of x satisfy (x-2) / (x+4) <7
Harley Weston lui répond.
Divisibility by 3 2010-05-23
Cathleen pose la question :
To math central. I have to do a maths extension question that I don't understand. At first I thought I did. It is about the dividing by three. In one part of the question, it asks me to show that the rule of division by three does not work for 23142 with a little 5 down the bottom. What doe base 5 mean? We first thought that the little 5 down the bottom meant multiplying y the power of five. Can you please tell me what it means so I can finish this question?
Penny Nom lui répond.
When will the second truck catch up to the first? 2010-05-22
Josie pose la question :
At 9:00 a.m. a truck leaves the truck yard and travels west at a rate of 45 mi/hr. At 11:00 a.m., a second truck leaves along the same route, travelling at 60 mi/hr. When will the second truck catch up to the first?
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Four digit numbers 2010-05-22
tyeisha pose la question :
Whats all the four digit numbers you can come up with using numbers 0-9
Tyler Wood lui répond.
The area of a triangle 2010-05-22
jose pose la question :
haw many square feet are in a triangle 30 feet high with a 100 ft base?
Tyler Wood lui répond.
How many bags will it take to fill this? 2010-05-22
David pose la question :
A garden lot..360 square feet and 6 inches deep..you want to fill this with mulch and use 2 cubic. foot bags...how many bags will it take to fill this? Thank you...Dave
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Percentage of Group B's score 2010-05-22
Carolyn pose la question :
If the CONTROL Scorer A scored 5 minutes of Stage 1 sleep, and the compare Scorer B scored 7 minutes of Stage 1 sleep out of the same sample, what is the % similar/same is Scorer B to the Control Scorer A?
Tyler Wood lui répond.
converting y=mx+b into ax+by+c=0 and vice versa 2010-05-22
Paulo pose la question :
converting y=mx+b into ax+by+c=0 and vice versa
Tyler Wood lui répond.
The hypotenuse of a triangle 2010-05-22
linda pose la question :
find the length of the hypotenuse of a triangle with legs of 12in. and 17in. round to the nearest hundredth
Tyler Wood lui répond.
How far is the runner from the starting point? 2010-05-22
Richard pose la question :
A marathon runner runs 6 miles south and then 8 miles east. How far is the runner from the starting point?
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Difference of cubes 2010-05-22
Anad pose la question :
how can we prove a^3 - b^3 is equal to (a-b)(a^2+ab+b^2)?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Extraneous solutions 2010-05-22
Joe pose la question :

Question from Joe, a parent:

w+3    2w
----- - ----- = 1
w2-1   w-1

W2 is = w squared

The answer is w= ------

but have no idea how this was solved. any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A circular oil slick of uniform thickness 2010-05-22
Susan pose la question :
Hi, I have this problem on a homework assignment and just can't seem to figure it out:
A circular oil slick of uniform thickness is caused by a spill of 1 m^3 of oil. The thickness of the oil is decreasing at the rate of .001m/h. At what rate is the radius of the slick increasing when the radius is 8.

Penny Nom lui répond.
The low leg height of a shutter 2010-05-20
brian pose la question :
I work for a shutter company and am in need of a formula to figure out what the low leg height would be if given the width of shutter, the high point of arch top and the radius. example would be a 18" wide shutter with a 80" high leg on the right side and a 30" radius. I would need a way to figure what the low leg height (left side of shutter) would be. Or if given width, low leg height and radius what the high side would be? If any of this can be given in laymen's terms it would be much appreciated. Thanks, Brian
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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